== > QUICK BE A DIRTY DIRT TROLL Hold up on that command, Aforementioned dirt troll is currently trolling their flush crush about an important matter. [12:49] -- crystalWisecracker [CW] began trolling effervescentFeral [EF] at 12:49 -- [12:48] CW: Hey EF, you around? [12:49] EF: )+ Why h€llø! [12:50] CW: Ah! goo:D :Day to you! [01:48] EF: )+ what is up, my inv€rtibrøth€r? [01:48] CW: Well, you know how i'm all about the :Digging yes? [01:48] EF: )+ Øh y€s! [01:49] CW: I happen to hit something kin:D of rare that ma:De me think of you [01:50] EF: )+ Dø t€ll! =8D [01:51] CW: its a vein of crytalize:D howlite [01:51] EF: )+ H€H€H€! Høwlit€? AWØØØØØØ! [01:51] CW: hahaha, yes, I was stone col:D certain you':D like that [01:52] EF: )+ HAHA! Støn€ cøld! I g€t it! =8D [01:53] CW: I was thinking of maybe using some of it to make you something, if you':D be intereste:D [01:53] CW: like a necklace or a ring, or what ever [01:54] EF: )+ Yøu wøuld hav€ tø b€ pr€par€d tø r€c€iv€ søm€thing in r€turn!! [01:55] CW: Oh my [01:56] EF: )+ hmmm...what's yøur favørit€ kind øf d€ad thing? =8) [01:57] CW: Ah, hmmm, while I appriciate the se:Diment, I'm not sure I qoul:D require anything like that in return [01:58] CW: woul:D* [01:58] EF: )+ H€H€H€! S€dim€nt! [01:58] CW: hehehe [01:58] CW: I just like useing what I fin:D [01:58] CW: an:D if I can use it to make a frien:D happy even better [01:59] EF: )+ Yøu hav€ alr€ady mad€ m€ happy, fri€nd!!! =8D [01:59] CW: Yay :D [01:59] CW: that wan't a "D" that was just a happy face [02:00] CW: Oh, um...acutally I just thought of something you coul:D maybe sen:D me? [02:00] EF: )+ Dø t€ll! [02:00] CW: I :Don't get above groun:D much, so there are alot of neat things up there I :Don't often get to see [02:00] EF: )+ Bøn€s! [02:00] EF: )+ Gøt it! [02:02] CW: Bones for one thing, yes [02:02] CW: but flowers as well [02:02] EF: )+ =8) [02:02] CW: well, any kin:D of non fungie growth really [02:02] EF: )+ HØØy€s! Th€r€ ar€ many fløw€rs up h€r€! [02:05] CW: cool! [02:05] EF: )+ What is yøur favørit€ cølør? =8) [02:05] CW: Oh gosh ah... [02:06] EF: )+ I will g€t all th€ cølørs!!! [02:07] CW: Ah! yes that is a won:Derful i:Dea :D [02:07] EF: )+ =8) [02:09] CW: oh, speaking of color, Howlite is actually a real easy to :Dye crystal, so if you':D like it in any specific color I shoul:D beable to make that happen [02:09] EF: )+ All th€ cølørs!!! [02:10] CW: hahaha, gla:D I hit a big vein of this then [02:10] CW: so that soun:Ds like a necklace woul:D be the best i:Dea for you [02:11] EF: )+ €H€H€H€! I will hav€ tø shøw my lusus! Sh€ will b€ HØWLING with jøy!!! =8D [03:09] -- effervescentFeral [EF] gave up trolling crystalWisecracker [CW] == > if you are quite finished can we be the dirty little dirt troll? You are a dirty little dirt troll- actually wait. They are being trolled by a good friend of theirs. == > Of for crist sakes! ---- See above conversation between Klessa and Leshas ----- == > …now? You are Leshas Muvaar and boy oh boy do you have a busy day planed. Leshas sighed to herself as she closed her husk top and blew some stray dust and dirt from the delicate machine. Keeping electronics working down underground was a constant activity. The industrious young girl began to make a mental list of things she had to do and the order in which she did them in. Check List: Send coal to Klessa ( Check, done while speaking with her, by capture logging a metric crap tone of the stuff, then launching the coal filled geode out of a tunnel at incredible speeds via geo-psionics. In the familiar trajectory of Klessa’s hive. A fairly routine delivery. ) Get iron, use geo-psionics to rapidly refine it into steel Send newly minted steel to Klessa so they don’t die Work on howlite necklace for your flush-crush Get the game client down loading for that weird game your peeps been flap’n their food holes about ‘It’s crazy how much work you find yourself doing’ Leshas thought to herself. She didn’t know how she did it but she always found a task to complete. More often or not for someone else if possible. Well, no time to waste. After sending a quick warning about impending emergency mining that was going to likely give the whole mountain a good rumble, to her closest friend, both in the traditional meaning of that phrase as well as the proximity, Plutus. He lives way up in the mountain you live way beneath. The pair of you practically grew up together and have always looked out for one another. She took a few steps away and closed her eyes and began to reach out with her mind. Geo-psionics are uncommon and sort of hard to describe; even those with more traditional psioninc abilities tend to only loosey grasp the idea. What she was doing now was closest to mind control. She wasn’t actually controlling anything, not really. But her mind’s will and consciousness was spreading out through the mountain and its surrounding bones, like a thought-manipulator reaching into some trolls mind and taking information from it. She continued this till she hit one what she was looking for. She had hoped to find once sizable deposited of iron. But instead she found several smaller ones. This would be a bumpier extraction than she had hopped for…but it needed to be done. A life was on the line. The next process was seizing the ore and dragging it through miles of stone and dirt. While not as hard as It sounded for someone in her geo-kinetic weight class, it was by no means a simple operation. She out stretched her arm and slowly clenched her hand into a tight fist. Her eyes opened and a red-brown light drifted from her eyes as the whole of the mountain began to shake. In a few minutes a 5 clumps of rock and unrefined iron practically exploded in a shower of rocks and rubble into her sizable hollow of a living space. Leshas examined the collection of rock and iron with a nod. “A good start, hope it will be enough.” She cracked her knuckles and began to work on the extracting the iron, and refining it into steel.