[center][h1]The RRA has begun![/h1] To speed things up I will be doing a couple of people at a time. You will each be given a COLOUR, please respond to be in that COLOUR. It's weird but it helps my brain differentiate stuff better. [h2]First Round: Rimguage[/h2] An excellent oppurtunity to show you how the RRA works. [@Mae] would you like to disable NPCs and other characters owned by you? >Oh yes Mae thankyou so much. Ok! Done! [h3]Step 1: Determining how many pre-existing relationships a character has[/h3][hr]Rimguage rolled a [b]3[/b] which means he gets [b]3 Relationships[/b]. [@Mae] Would you like to use a lifeline such as reroll to change this result? >No thankyou, 3 relationships is nice and rounded. However can I [b]veto[/b] Enemy? I imagine Rimguage to be pretty jolly and not one who feels motivated by competition, particularly after what happened with his brother, so I don't think he'd feel those sorts of things towards a person at the start of the RP. Absolutely! I will now roll up your Types for you. [h3]Step 2: Determining Relationship Types[/h3][hr][@Mae] You rolled a [b]3, 3[/b] and [b]6[/b], meaning you have [b]two friends[/b] and a [b]Player's Choice[/b]. >For my Player's Choice I'd like to take Love please, since Rimgauge is the Chieftan's Heir I imagine him settling down early, though it'll be up for discussion with whomever I roll for that and what they want for their character. Right-o! I will whip up a unique table for you shortly. [h3]Step 3: Determining Who[/h3][hr]In the meantime, you have rolled [b]12[/b] for your first friend and [b]6[/b] for your second friend. This means you are [b]Friends[/b] with [b]Floran Cestanz[/b] and [b]Vadik[/b]. [@RedDusk][@Melo] Since Rimguage is Heterosexual, he is compatible with the following characters: 1. Alexis Hunter 2. Eilidh Ua Briain 3. Xena 4. Stalana 5. (sakurasan CS) 6. (redrum CS) 7. (Filthy Mudblood Cs) 8. (Melo CS) Rimguage rolls an [b]8[/b], meaning your love pair is with [@Melo]'s pending character. >Excellent! I'd like to see if our characters would be compatible, so I may use my reroll later if I feel like they don't suit each other. In the meantime I am done with my RRA for now![hr] And that is a round of RRA! [@Ashevelendar] and [@Inertia] shall be up shortly. [/center]