All he wanted was a sample from the egg. Eggs were easier to get genetics from then from the giant bird thing. It was amazing that a bird of this size could survive in such a planet like this. Giant birds like this should be rare on planets this far from the star it orbited. Logic dictated that this bird should be small. So that was interesting in its self. Then there was the idea of the idea of large bird meant that there had to a complex web of prey animals to support this thing. That meant that the food web was huge and this place was not a wasteland. It meant that the predators had to be rather large too. All he had done was take a single egg from the nest. There was nothing illegal about it. He wanted to study the egg. It was not that big of a deal but the bird definitely thought that it was a huge deal for stealing the egg. "This thing is just protecting its young! Don't kill it!" He yelled as he hightailed it for the ship. He sighed and pulled the egg out of his bag. He cursed softly to himself as placed the egg in a bush and kept running. he made sure that the bird had seen it. "Just run! Don't fight it!" He yelled into the radio still running for his life. He did not want to be bird chow. He also had gotten some blood from a little rat looking thing. He could do something with it. He doubted that it was anything useful.