[center][img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/death-star.regular_zpsuxsr3anq.png[/img] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/Vader_zpsrglvsq9b.png[/img] [hr] [@DeathXtheXTree][@BringBack1996][@Scrapula] [hr][/center] Those wooden airships were futile against the power of the dark side of the force as the bombs managed to severely damage a portion of the fleet. Vader's superiority in the force has rewarded him well. Yet at the same time, a more high-tech ship came rushing out of the blue, completely annihilating an airship as it zoomed by. Vader glanced at the ship for a second as he watched it zoom around the fleet. If he can grab ahold of that ship, he might find a way to get himself out of this dimension and back to his universe where he belongs. But at this point, he shouldn't bother. The ship was flying too fast and was simply was too far for him to grab with the force. Soon, the fleet began to issue a hasty retreat, only after opening their hulls filled with flying turtles coming straight towards the group. As the goombas and koopas began rushing towards the group, Lord Vader ignites his lightsaber as he slashed through any that got in his way. Yet more people came from the portals, also firing upon the invaders as the paratroopers finally made their decent upon the "heroes" Vader simply stood still as he issues a powerful force push that stunned a good portion of the koopas and sent them plummeting to the ground. Any that managed to survive were instantly slain by the Dark Lord's lightsaber, decapitating their heads and dismembering their wings and appendages. He looks to his right, seeing the orange girl he forced pushed out of the way fighting them as well, but struggling so it seemed. He didn't care much of it though as he squashes a goomba under his boot and continues to slaughter the minions that came their way... showing no mercy... no remorse... and his hatred ever so rising. [color=A9A9A9][b][i]"All too easy..."[/i][/b][/color] he thinks to himself. [hr] [hr] [center][img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/venus-rising.regular_zpsr8ma28fg.png[/img] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/samus_zpsof39mvh0.png[/img] [/center] [hr] [@BringBack1996] [hr] Samus was able to get a direct fire upon one of the ships as she entered the battlefield, bursting into flames as debris fell to the ground. Even as they were retreating, her gunship would severely damage or even destroy a few number of ships before they managed to deploy the Koopa Paratroopers. But as the bounty hunter prepares to face them once more, her scanners alert her to something else that came out of one of the airship's hull. And it was heading straight towards her... Quickly, Samus quickly tries to identify the threat and begins preparing any evasive maneuvers to get her ship out of harms way and destroy the thing coming towards her.