"Already taken, like I'd leave Cassius for Fox-breath over there." Ritsu scowled at Itzal before taking his collective to his barracks. He may tolerate the fox but he didn't have to like him, Ritsu also found that Itzal was pressing nerves in places that shouldn't be pressed with that jibe, still he couldn't let that get to him. Today was a long and hard day, he just wanted a shower and to pass out. He hoped Cassius liked the Flowers, he knew Cassius didn't like to show it but he really did love small sentimental gifts like that. Hitori rolled his eyes before he noticed Perrin and answered the Question, "It tastes like a fine and Slowly roasted Foie Gras with just a hint of a Subtle Smokiness to enhance the rich and buttery texture. It is rather Warm to the Touch but I have tasted far Hotter dishes in my time. I consider myself a connoisseur of sorts, others may find my tastes ghastly but there are certain things I find vile. Like Pineapple on Pizza....Disgusting..." Hitori Visibly Shudder as he had Siren cleanse him of impurities. "Where's the Coziest Corner? I'll take that if it is not any trouble."