[center][img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/venus-rising.regular_zpsr8ma28fg.png[/img] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/samus_zpsof39mvh0.png[/img] [hr] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZJGM4gSon4]Samus Is In Trouble![/url] [@BringBack1996] [hr][/center] But before Samus could get a proper reading on who was chasing her, her scans indicate a number countdown at an incredibly fast rate. Whatever was coming at her gunship had some sort of incredibly fast projectile or ship to catch up with her. And before she could issue any protocols, the object, now identified as a tiny fighter vehicle was already on top of her. The next thing she knew, an explosion rocked the entire ship as the ship stuttered in mid-flight before regaining back some altitude. That ship must've went on a kamikaze run to blast her from the sky! Or at the very least it was a remote controlled rocket, large enough to be classified as a ship? What was worse, the blast managed to damage her engines, which was unfortunate since her shielding was in a recharge stage and was on low power mode, having only a minimal amount of shielding. Regardless, she'll have to fix it later, as suddenly her ship's cockpit visor cracked due to blunt force from a hammer! The ship wasn't a drone after all. The pilot must've indeed ejected from his ship before it exploded, while also having survived the blast somehow. Samus then sees the figure of Morton as he goes in for another crack at the screen. The bounty hunter needs to make an emergency landing, but not until issuing evasive maneuvers. Clenching to her seat, she then issues an aileron roll as her ship spins around several times in rapid succession. She hopes that the creature can loose his grip and ultimately fall off the gunship. And if that didn't work, she'll need to issue a crash landing down at the Mushroom Plains below, just outside Toad Town, and exterminate it by her own gun barrel.