[center][h1][color=ec008c]Ira Riese:[/color] [color=dodgerblue]PRT Headquarters[/color][/h1][/center] Wandering eyes drew back to Tulpa, and Epsilon smiled slightly. The mask felt smooth in her hand, and distracted her as she glanced back at it. The material over the mouth seemed solid, but a porous material covered it, allowing air to move through it. From the side you could see through the material, and from the right angle you could probably see Epsilon's lips, though just barely. The light of the elevator was harsh, and kept her eyes low as she leaned back against the railing. A sigh escaped Epsilon's lips, and she slipped the mask back over her face. Epsilon found her eyes on Tulpa again and watched the girl bite her lip as their eyes met for a moment. [color=#ca89e1][i]What was that?[/i][/color] She wondered quietly, tilting her head slightly in interest. She watched Tulpa's face carefully, trying to read it from the odd angle she was at, but she couldn't distinguish much from the girls expression. Epsilon's eyes strayed and she studied her other teammates, all looking relatively normal. [color=#ca89e1][i]Do I look normal? Jesus, what does normal even look like?[/i][/color] Her back straightened, and she didn't know what to do with her hands. They slipped into her pockets, and she started looking more anxious by the second. Tulpa gasped, and Epsilon, again, found her attention on the newest Ward. She stumbled back, and grabbed the railing near her back. Epsilon hesitantly reached out a hand as if to help steady the older girl, but seemed to second guess herself, and brought her hand back to smooth her costume a bit. She, above all, was not inconspicuous. Epsilon's uncomfortable appearance seemed to reach a peak as she stared at the floor. [color=lightblue]"Yes, we should follow Messiah's lead. If anybody has any preparations, make sure you do it now."[/color] A soft shuffling sound emanated from Epsilon's direction as she quickly checked the belt she was wearing. She had her goggles, her parahuman identifier thingy, and-Shit. She didn't have her formula thingy. She had made a small batch of the chemical she had created that she used to nullify someone's powers, but she had left it in her room. She was gonna be absolutely useless in this fight, at least against a brute. [color=lightblue]"'-We be doing this so close to the PRT?' New speaker. 'Do you doubt my orders? My power?' First guy again. 'No, but there's, like, ten capes in that building. We got twenty of us, and you boss, but you're the only one with powers.' Second guy again. 'How would you like me to make it nineteen of us?' Small crowd murmuring fear."[/color] Sonar spoke, but his words were someone else s. Epsilon gasped in fear, looking surprised and scared. There were twenty of them? This was gonna be a tough fight, and Epsilon could hardly count on not getting injured. She glanced at the gun on her thigh, trying to hide the fear in her eyes. As he finished speaking the elevator doors opened, causing Sonar to leave the cramped elevator, the rest of the crew in tow. As they left the elevator Epsilon quickly scanned the lobby, looking surprised by the civilians present. A few raised cameras to photograph them, and Epsilon turned away. This was gonna be all over the parahuman forums within the hour. [color=lightblue]"Eyeblight,We're dealing with Eyeblight. They're beneath us in the flood drainage system!"[/color] Sonar again, speaking into the Ward's communication device. Shit. Eyeblight was a tough cookie, this was gonna be a hard fight even discounting the twenty henchmen he supposedly had. Epsilon let herself fall to the back of the group as she tried to keep pace with the rest of the group. She didn't want to be part of the front lines, she wasn't resilient enough for that. Not in the least.