[quote=@Jotunn Draugr] Given that Christians are on the decline, I'm going to state what is becoming an unpopular opinion, in the spirit of this thread: Beliefs like yours are a cancer upon humanity, and are going to lead to the collapse of civilization. [/quote] Probably end up more like "Meet the new Jesus, same as the old Jesus." Put the Wiccans in power and eventually even they'd become rigid and bureaucratic too. You might even get the traditional "God and Goddess" Wiccans purging the "I bought a spellbook at Barnes and Noble" Wiccans and the "I really like Magic: The Gathering" Wiccans. And really, is there any other religion you see regularly? I think I've seen Krishna's a total of once, Muslims are around but largely stay to themselves, and most Buddhists tend to just be pacifists with no other interest in the religion. But Wiccans? Shit, they are all over the place. I would even venture to say I know about as many Wiccans as I do practicing Catholics.