[center][h1]Sofia Stien: Icehouse Hideout[/h1][/center] In other words he was wanted. Did Headhunter think she was stupid because she was small and young? Not that she was riled about it, she merely found it odd that he'd seemingly dumbed things down for her. Sofia shrugged and turned her attention to the coffee placed in front of her. Oh, he'd noticed? Well that was alright. Sofia followed along with his explanation of what more or less amounted to their first job. Play housewife until Headhunter got around to killing the newbie. Simple enough. Said newbie walked in shortly, glancing around before introducing himself. Sofia wouldn't be surprised if he was suspicious, though he couldn't have known the rest of them had arrived at the same time, it should've been a warning since he'd come in obviously after they'd already been discussing something. Lovely seemed to take right to the part, practically draping itself over Everest. What a silly name. Just imagine someone saying 'Everest is coming'. The confusion would be ridiculous, was the mountain Everest getting closer, or was the villain Everest getting closer? Both were entirely possible. On the other hand with a name like Headhunter the same situation would be met with utter seriousness. Perhaps she was simply ridiculing him mentally to dehumanize him. It seemed to be working. Sofia considered that she should probably do something to assist in the matter. Hm. She could give him the coffee. But she wanted the coffee. Hm. He probably didn't like coffee anyways. Besides, surely Lovely and Chatterhead could handle it, they both seemed well suited to the role. Satisfied with the situation Sofia grabbed the extra cup of coffee set in front of her and began slowly sipping it. What was she going to do with all the money...