[color=ed1c24][center][h1][u]A New World, A New Evil[/u][/h1][/center][/color] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/8HWqevs.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] The Great Convergence brought forth ethereal energies from other realms to Miras. The skies would forever be lit with glowing ribbons of arcane light. The once bleak Feldorn Isle now witnessed a beautiful display of the new green sky each night which added to the islands beauty and mystery. Feldorne Castle, the home of the most secretive and currently most notorious organization in Miras, The Overseers of Serenity, now stands as one of the few remaining safe havens for the Overseers. After The Third Great War, the remains of The Nalrokar Empire declared war on The Order as revenge for The High Ocular's murder of their goddess, Shi'an. The Nalrokar Islands are no longer safe for Watchers and even the kingdom of Farendar has declared them outlaws. The peasantry calls for the Knights of The Dawn to hunt down the assassins but The Templars stand by their current quest to keep the peace and quell the current infestation of new monstrosities that flooded our world after The Great Convergence. The new High Ocular, Krehtlin Vrakar, has given orders to all members of The Order to return to Feldorne Isle to await reassignment. The Overseers need to restore their place in the world, they need to continue their work to protect Miras, and that requires the work of skilled agents. Skilled agents such as Tyr who has now become a Reaver and is awaiting council with High Ocular Krehtlin. As Tyr stood outside the doors to the High Ocular's Chamber, she couldn't help but wonder as to what she'd been summoned for. It was probably her reassignment to some place in Farendar's political elite, no doubt she was to influence the court to remove the outlawing of The Overseers. While it was an easy task, and she was glad there was no threat to the world to send her on missions like the ones five years ago, Tyr still wished for something with more thrill to it other than being a nobleman's handmaiden. Her thoughts were interrupted as the large doors of The Ocular's chamber slowly crept open, releasing a low roar as they revealed a young Renmer standing beside a glowing font of magic embued waters. The Ocular stared at Tyr with glowing orange eyes that neither threatened nor welcomed her. Slowly he raised his hand towards her and gestured for her to approach. [color=ed1c24]"You summoned me, my lord"[/color], Tyr stated as she fell to one knee before her master. The Ocular displayed a look of indifference to her respectful stance. [color=f7941d]"Indeed. You are familiar with Lady Sunderland, Wardeness of Southern Farendar and High Lady Commander of The Knight of The Dawn Covenant?"[/color], The Ocular stared deeply into the font, his mind focusing on whatever the waters were showing him. [color=ed1c24]"Yes, my lord, but I simply refer to her as Ev-"[/color], Tyr stopped herself when she noticed the growing look or annoyance on her lord's face. [color=f7941d]"I have assigned a number of our agents to your charge. Take them with you to Dustorne, Lady Sunderland should have something for you there. From there you will head to Kings Gate. An agent will meet you at the old Templar fortress there. Your true task begins in Talmaria"[/color], The Ocular waved a hand over the font and in an instant the glowing waters faded into nothingness. [color=ed1c24]"My lord, may I ask as to our mission?"[/color] [color=f7941d]"No you may not, dismissed"[/color], The Ocular's words fell harshly upon Tyr who retreated from the room. Just as she was about to leave, something stopped her, she had to know.[color=ed1c24]"My lord-"[/color], her words were cut off by a now clearly angered Ocular. [color=f7941d]"Yes, you wonder as to the state of your acquaintance Marcus Kiln. He serves as courier between myself and Lady Sunderland. Is that all Reaver? Because if so I suggest you head to the docks where your team awaits it's leader"[/color], that was all Tyr needed to make haste towards the ferry dock. This Isle seemed less and less like home with that one around.