[@BCTheEntity] Wow, all of that is cool? The only issue is where to put it? Well in that case, assuming I use this guy: [hider=Aleph] [img]http://imgur.com/cCsu4LA.png[/img] [/hider] The scanners, AI, and Brain Booster could all be part of that visor-earpiece thing on his head. Pak could have either the legs or the weapons come out of the top and the jetpack the bottom. Finally, the EM Field generator could be... I dunno the thing on his arm? Or a completely unrelated device whatever. Of course, all of his stuff being EM proof is a bit of a stretch and also doesn't protect him from direct physical confrontation, so I might think of another way to shield him. And, of course, this is all speculation type stuff. All I really know is that I want the Pak.