[center][h2]Ricardo Caballero.[/h2][/center] Ricardo shuffled his feet, knowing full the awkwardness of the situation. Apparently they were introducing at eachother. And now they were thinking it was peeping. He was beginning to sweat. He really wanted to get out of there and GUN! GUN IN HIS FACE. THIS WAS BAD. REALLY BAD! Ricardo stood wide eyed, as he thanked whatever way his brain wired that paralysis and chills had set in before he could collapse in a heap. At the very least, he didn't soil this pants. This time. Probably. No, not really soiled there. His eyes stared at his assailant, raising his face in a jerkish movement, his pupils zigzagging out of terror. Well, she was rather cute, for a teenager. At the very least that was a small consolation. And she was smiling. So adorable. Not really, it was [i]very off.[/i] Ricardo stopped trembling so slightly as the psychotic girl decided she was really kidding. And then let loose a potty mouth that could make a sailor proud. It was then when he picked the girl's accent, name and mannerisms. [i]Hello? Is this the Russian Prime Minister? I think you let loose one of your psychotic goverment assasins! You know, the kawaai as hell ones who look like Red Riding Hood![/i] He retorted mentally. "You're...crazy. " His physical answer was much more lame, though, what with his difficulty in adressing the opposite gender, and the mind-boggling fear that came being stared from the wrong side of a gun. "What the hell do they teach kids in Russia anyway? Why would I be interested in underage girls' underwear? I'm not japanese, for God's sake!" He finally managed to get a reaction out of his system, as he flailed a bit more. "But hey, um, help appreciated and that. Anastasia is a nice name too... there was a tale about a Tsarist descendant called that, i believe?" His eyes, now aware of the situation a little more, looked at the other girl. Now this one was rather striking and beatiful. And sexy to boot! And also had fox features and three tails, and was summoning some kind of spirit fire. Foxfire? Yeah, that thing. "Umm, nice to meet you, Setsura-san?." He added. Fox spirits were tricky and this one had no small degree of haughtiness, but at least she hadn't flailed a live gun on his face to make a joke at his expense. "I'm Ricardo Caballero. Yep. And earlier today I was enjoying the views of the District. I uuuh..." He trailed off, remembering his silly moment of earlier where he tried to pretend he was the Batman. "...might've dropped my wallet when taking pictures and whatnot. And this was one of the last places to check." Having talked for a while, he felt confident now, so he carried on. "That's a handy trick, Setsura-san, but probably not the best for flammable wallets..." He scratched the back of his head, as he noticed a grate. His eyes almost popped out, as if remembering something, and he jumped face first into the offending metalwork. "HERE IT IS! Well, that was quick. Must be because foxes bring good luck or something." He added. "Hnng, I can't reach it. My hands are too wide. Maybe..." His stomach churned, not believing his words. "Ana, can you try to reach it?" He added. "Your hands are smaller."