Let's start some shiiiit! I don't believe in religion. I think it's poisonous and only starts conflicts. This is different from spirituality. You can be spiritual and believe in whatever God, Goddess, or multitude of them, as you'd like. I just think religion is the root of a variety of problems. Christians hate Muslims because of a fucking book. Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are all Abrahamic traditions. So basically their brothers. From what I understand the biggest difference is who the prophet is. A prophet. People fight and die and scream and yell over one person. Out of all religions and ways of life (other than Hindu and Buddhism cus I believe Buddhism developed from Hinduism so they're like daddy and son) these religions are suuuuuper similar. They even believe in only one God. (That's better than Hinduism which has a pantheon and Buddhism that has none) If you believe in God or you don't I don't really care. I'm on the fence really. But if you believe in God is it really that big of a deal how you worship them? There are bigger problems but religion will have you believe that worshipping God in another way is the same as murdering a bucket of puppies. Yeah, I think religion is poisonous and stupid. Believe in god that's fine and dandy but religion, meh causes a lot of issues just for a label. P.S. It's also kind of selfish. The only reason anyone does anything is to guarantee their soul goes into heaven. Would practitioners really help others and be so selfless if this wasn't the case?