It looked like even with the guard along they would be shambling about aimlessly for a while. Ethan was doing his utmost to remain confident they would find Amuné, and he still was, though he worried what state they might find her in. Kidnappings were worse the longer they went on for and every second passing was a worrisome one. Between everyone they had though things would work out, they had to. They had been through more than this already and Amuné still had to see her parents again, she couldn't just disappear. Saying that would be much easier if they had some actual lead where to look though, right now it was a matter of wandering around and hoping to get lucky. Ethan had almost considered going door-to-door when Wyth took off down the road ahead of them, watching the moorcat confused before taking off after him. If Wyth was reacting like that then he must have noticed something and they had to follow, it could bring them to Amuné. Blast it if the animal wasn't quick though, the only way he'd ever hope to keep pace was to use his magic and doing that right now wasn't the best of ideas. With the guard and Cecil in tow they managed to keep on Wyth's trail around the corner, heading further down that road until a shout directed their focus elsewhere. Someone was fighting with something and, judging by the growls, that something was Wyth. Had he found someone responsible for this? As it happened he had, and it was the same man who had taken away Amuné in the first place. They may well have interrogated the man then and there were he not set upon by the massive moorcat and already torn up, probably off to meet the same fate as the man before if they didn't intervene. Not knowing how else to stop it Ethan rushed over and put himself in Wyth's way, smiling as he held his hands in a gesture for Wyth to back down. "Stop, we can't find Amuné if you kill him, please calm down," he urged, waving the animal off and backing up slightly, just in case his plea didn't work. While he was trying to console the furious beast the guard went around them to the man himself, apparently trying to do something to stop the bleeding before he passed out from it. "That's a good boy. I know you're angry but you need to not do that, killing won't help us," Ethan spoke as he gently stroked Wyth's head, relieved the moorcat had backed down. He understood it perfectly though as even he wanted to hurt the man for what had been done, Amuné was completely innocent and should never have been mixed up in this mess of theirs. But as the guard was showing you couldn't just lash out even if you knew someone was bad, hurting someone else didn't fix the problem. While he had no medicines on him and there was no healer among them the guard did what he could, using strips of cloth from the man's own clothing to tie up the wounds. His shirt was now in tatters but he doubted anyone minded, it was better than bleeding to death. "I'll get you to a chirurgeon, but first you'll have to answer my questions," the guard explained as the man was helped into a sitting position against a wall. The groans of pain and his panicked state didn't make questioning him easy but it had to be done, they couldn't leave without answers. "You took a young Ydran girl earlier and there have been other disappearances recently too. We have reason to believe you're responsible, so tell me. Are you? And where are they being kept?" "T-That damn animal attacked me! What are ya q-questioning me for?!" the man shouted, staring wide eyed at Wyth and wincing as he agitated his wounds by moving, "K-Kill that damn thing, it's a wild animal! You're a guard dammit, ain't you supposed to protect people?" "I am protecting people, I see a slaver right in front of me who could very well bleed out if he's not given help," the guard replied, frowning as he got to his feet, "But... If you don't want to answer me then fine, we'll find another lead. I'd imagine you've got comrades nearby, hopefully one of them helps you." He didn't honestly mean to leave the man there to die, it was more a scare tactic to make him desperate. Turning to leave he'd barely taken the first step before their suspect shouted out for him to stop. "Alright damn it, alright! Saints don't leave me here!" the bearded man cursed, groaning again as he reached down and held his wounded leg, "Using a damn thing like that to attack me, thought you blokes were supposed to be the good guys... What you're doing is criminal, ya hear?" The guard rolled his eyes at the irony of that accusation before kneeling before the slaver again. "It's only criminal if a guard does it. At the moment I'm not technically on duty, so I'm not a guard, and neither is that animal, or anyone else here. Just some bystanders trying to do right," he retorted as he reached down and placed a hand on the man's leg, gripping it tightly and drawing a pained groan from it, "Now then, the Ydran girl, where is she? You should know, you had her, tell us where you've put her." "You bastard! Fine, fine, the girl's over in that building!" the slaver cursed as he pointed to a large stone building, windows boarded up and a chain on the front door. Laying his head back on the building he inhaled before grinning, spitting on the guard and laughing at him as he wiped it away. "But there's more of us than you, and we're all armed! We've got hostages and you bastards can't do nothin' about it! You're wastin' your time here, should just turn around and piss of!" Nymira had heard a man's scream and opted to follow it, and now she was glad she had. With Asta along they stumbled across quite the scene of a man on the ground being interrogated by the guard, Ethan stood with a bloody Wyth, though she had a sneaking suspicion none of the blood was his own. Cecil didn't look terribly comfortable though that was nothing new. Approaching the guard as she overheard the man shouting about the frugality of their efforts she scoffed, resisting the urge to strike the man for acting so loathsome. "I think we could do plenty, least of which would be kill you and all of your deplorable friends," Nymira said curtly, "But apparently death is too good for scum like you, so we'll have to settle for something close to it. Men without honor like you should be thrown to the flames..." And that right there was why Nymira wasn't making the calls here. They did need some kind of punishment though, Ethan figured life behind bars would be enough. They had the place now however and most everyone was present, all that stood before them and saving Amuné were a handful of slavers. "Okay then... Now we just have to get inside..." Breaking through the front seemed dangerous though, if Nymira had heard the screams then surely the men inside had too and they were already alert, probably setting up for a fight. Plus as the man said they had hostages now and, if they weren't careful, they may be killed. Amuné may be killed if they didn't do this right. Biting his lip as he stared at the door a thought came to mind then, looking over at Cecil and smiling hopefully. They had a solution to this, one which could take out all the men at once and not result in any deaths. It would be tricky but maybe they could make it work. "Cecil, remember back on the bridge? What you did to help us get away from that old man? Think we can pull that off again here?" They would somehow need to get water though and get it close enough to the slavers, plus they couldn't get any on the prisoners or they would be caught in it too. Nor did he know where they might manage all of that without the guard catching on to what they were, not unless he stayed with the wounded man while they went about saving Amuné. "Our best option here is to attack from two fronts, make them split up their forces," Nymira said as she looked to the building, frowning seeing the locked door in the front. She could melt the chains in a second and they would be in, yet as Ethan had considered she too expected an ambush. There was something telling about the front door however and she looked to the wounded man for answers, lowering herself to his level and grabbing him by the collar. "You didn't come out that door, so where is the other entrance? In the back?" When he didn't answer she pressed him back into the wall despite the guard's protests not to harm him. "We won't kill you, but you had best believe I'll bring you close enough if you insist on being difficult. Where is the entrance?" "Agh, on the side!" the slaver snapped, coughing and rubbing at his collar as Nymira released her grip, "Doesn't matter though, the lads aren't stupid, they'll know you're coming. Like I said just turn around and forget it, you're gonna get yourselves killed." Opting to just ignore the man this time Nymira looked back at the building, trying to think of an alternative way of attacking it. With the walls made of stone it was more solid than your usual structure, and even with two entrances they were at risk if they barged in. Drawing her eyes up to the roof she noted how it seemed to be made of wood, an idea coming to mind as she went over to Cecil and grabbed him by the arm. "Come here, let me see something," she said as she dragged him closer to the building, craning her neck to look above and gesturing to the boards hanging over. "You can make that jump, yes? They expect us to come from the doors or perhaps the windows... But what about above? You could get up and break in from above, and while some come in from above and draw focus elsewhere the others can use the doors, they'll become disorganized in the confusion and we'll overrun them in seconds." Numbers meant nothing when there was no cohesion, all they had to do was cause chaos and victory was theirs. "Only problem is who do we send you in with..." "I'll go," Ethan volunteered promptly with a raised hand, "I don't have a weapon but uh... I can distract them at least? I can still keep them busy chasing me while you work on getting in, and I'm safe with Cecil helping me." Not that he wanted to put all of that on his friend but unless he got a weapon inside he was unarmed, and using magic should only be a last resort. Looking at the rooftop before them he debated on finding a way of climbing up somewhere on the side, walking over to the alley and peering around for anything, a stack of pipes or boxes, anything to use. "Hey Cecil, can we uh... Go around back and climb up?" Ethan asked with a nod, smiling knowingly. Since there didn't look to be a way up he'd have to use magic and Cecil would just jump, best to do that without the guard there to see them in action. Last thing anyone wanted right now was things stalling because they were raising flags.