[quote=@Themerlinhawk] [@Dusksong][@Natsu][@dividesbyzero][@UberBlutwurst][@Thundercrash][@Azereiah][@Jay Kalton][@Stern Algorithm][@Legion02][@Ghost Queen][@Vec][@Silver Carrot][@Thecrash20][@HueMan][@OneStoryToMany][@Mogwar][@KiritoAsuna][@Caits][@Vocab][@LazyEgg][@HueMan] Okay so since I have heard nothing from teh creator I'll be adopting the RP. I need to write up an OOC opening post so expect that by this evening. Feel free to PM character sheets in the mean time. [/quote] Just FYI, I think @Mentions have a limit, (like 10 or something) so I'm going to do this: First 10 [@Dusksong][@Natsu][@dividesbyzero][@UberBlutwurst][@Thundercrash][@Azereiah][@Jay Kalton][@Legion02][@Ghost Queen][@Vec]