Here's what I have so far. [hider=The Republic of Taurus/WIP] [b]Government Type:[/b] Corporate Republic [b]Government Description:[/b] The Repubic of Taurus is an aristocractic polity built from corporatist origins seeking a highly unregulated environment with as little oversight from the UN. Generally it is viewed inside and out as a disaster whose survival is all but miraculous given the amount of times colony collapse has happened in their region of the stars with a wealth inequality that is simply staggering to imagine. The government that runs things styles itself as a corporate republic. Which means it's highly plutocratic in nature, with an oligopoly of corporate entities who control most governmental affairs and have control over which politicans are in power. In practice there is no politicians, only spokespeople used to sell initiatives and propositions that have been drafted out in office. The system is highly corrupt from the top to bottom, as the distribution of wealth is such that one world located in within the Hyades open cluster holds over 40% of the wealth, said world also is the capital of the Republic of Taurus and is the only A-class world in the region. For those who are less wealthy grass roots companies are what are generally relied on, but with a lack of oversight the reliability of the grass roots companies can be extremely varied. The general belief is that this will all sort itself out and thus little action is done to improve the situation from a command economy standpoint. The Republic of Taurus is considered a Rogue State or Failed State depending on which super power you ask and the latent instability of the whole area has led to many crimes against humanity. There has been in more recent times interventions in the Federation, primarily of a humanitarian nature to deal with the starving colonies caused by failed Class-D world colonization initiatives. Freedom from an Economic standpoint is extremely poor, there is a adamant refusal to accept the use of welfare or basic income and even charities tend to be looked down upon (but are not forbidden). This is combined with a extremely competitive and at times, malicious environment where corporate sabatoge is a frequent occurance. Efforts to crack down on such behavior have been rather weak in general. Freedom of Speech in theory is the norm, but is hindered highly when you consider the consequences of losing your job and get black listed for expressing communist views or are outed as a 'xenophile'. Education is relatively weak for the majority of people who are stuck in mining jobs and just get educated in using mining vessels and some drone management. Mining is one of the strong sectors of the Republic. In general the Republic is viewed as a energy power due to having effective control over the Hyades, though the common citizen tends not to see this wealth. The law is weak due to the lack of any centralized commitees beyond a Intelligence Bureau used more in corporate fueding than in handling threats to security and thus criminal activity is extremely high in the region in general. As a result your typical Tauran citizen often will make some side cash on illicit drug and augment trade. Human trafficking is also unfortunately very common in the Tauran Republic. The use of militias and mercenaries to deal with piracy and slave trade has proven rather ineffectual due to how said mercenaries are also corruption probe. [b]National Leader(s):[/b] Marcus Lin [b]Nation Capital:[/b] New Knossos or the world of a million seas. New Knossos was named such by the founders in the early 22nd century who saw the Minoans as a example of a highly successful trade society, and thus wanted to brand their capital as such- a center for trade and commerce in a constellation anyone can recognize in the night sky, that of Taurus the Bull. Bull Markets, you see. The rapid population explosion from a mere few thousand colonists to the billions modern day New Knossos has comes from multiple waves of 22nd century colonists who injected major growth into the world in oft neglected migration records that has led to some rather strange disapproval on modern Knossos including a considerably large Greek community. The large populations of New Knossos are strewn about the swampy, serpentine geography of the world that has since been quite urbanized at the expense of native wild life with multiple extremely large population centers concentrated in Interconnected arcology complexes. The Arcologies are a recent development and the product of outside commissions despite sanctions getting in the way of things. [b]Estimated Population:[/b] 9,755,510,882 [b]Brief Nation History:[/b] [b]Cultural Information:[/b] [b]Society Information:[/b] [b]Language(s):[/b] The most common languages are English, Chinese and Spanish. Crypto-Languages have been constructed when dealing in private channels between the oligopoly. [b]Notable Locations:[/b] [b][u]Military Information:[/u][/b] [b]Military Doctrine:[/b] [b]Military Strengths:[/b] [b]Military Weaknesses:[/b] [b]Foreign Policy:[/b] [b][u]Additional Information/Queries:[/u][/b] To be a Taurun is to be suffering. Located around the Hyades Open Cluster, not sure if this conflicts with other people's activity in the area. [/hider]