"What to do, what to do...?" the red courier mused as he dangled his legs off the edge of some building, watching the hustle and bustle of midday Karstberg going on in the streets below him. He was breathing rather deeply, and sweating a significant amount more than he usually would have after a leisurely run through his usual pathways of choice. There was a simple reason for that, and it was because of a rather short but spurring encounter he had earlier. Previously, Thane had been traversing the heights of Karstberg, using his usual magically augmented free-running style for a more show-offy method of going from A to B rather than his usual straightforward work routine, when he noticed a black-clad figure on a rooftop adjacent to his position. The figure was undoubtedly female though the wardrobe made it a bit difficult to discern at first. Normally, the courier would've paid someone like that no mind, but this one was also a skilled practitioner of parkour if what he saw was indeed not magically assisted like his own. The two noted each other's presence, her with a nod and a facial movement of some sort - a smile maybe? - and him with a tip of the hat and a smile of his own, before going off on their separate ways, hers to the Market District and himself to... Wherever. He had yet to set a destination for himself. Though that was unimportant. What [i]was[/i], was that the woman from earlier had inspired Thane to try free-running without utilizing his magic. He was good even without it, but he soon realized that his some of his skills had atrophied due to reliance on using magic to smooth things out. Shame really, but now that he knew about it, he could - [i]just did[/i] - try to fix it. But not now, Thane was almost out of energy. He removed the apple that he normally kept in his bag and began to consume the thing. Once that was done with, he dropped down, using his magic to give him a safe landing like earlier, before noting a diminutive lady in some religious-looking garb having a temper tantrum on the adjacent street corner. Normally he wouldn't be staring impolitely as he was, but his self control was being overwhelmed by the lack of energy.