[center][img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/22/dc/6f/22dc6f2e4ff6a0232257a990542ac7cf.jpg[/img][/center] The creed of assassins: Nothing is true, Everything is permitted. The assassins have been at war with the Templars longer then anyone can remember. Each age one side gets the advantage but it never lasts long either because of desperate measures or clever tactics the other side regains the advantage. The war never ends but it doesn't matter it will continue for ages to come. This story revolves around an Assassin that goes after a certain target of the Templar order. They have been doing horrid things to the people of the land so the Assassin has no problems killing them. He leads a chapter in the Italian brotherhood after Ezio's rein when he retired someone had to lead the brotherhood. When he kills the target he was set on killing he fails to notice the daughter of the target seeing him caught in the act. Will she try to seek revenge or will she seek the Assassin in the hopes of joining his cause. It is a split second moment that can only be decided by the woman... (assassins creed Idea I had a long while ago and I've been craving the try at a reboot. In case you cant tell this is a romance placed after Ezio so no only records of him will be mentioned. If you like the story and the world then I invite you to join me. Message me and we can make the rp in the PM)