In a strange world, it's best to have friends to count on. Haruki learned that on Earth when Nakuri found him, alone and destitute. It wasn't something they really taught to children on Valky. But now, he wasn't even on Earth. He didn't think Harvey was in Olathe either. Or, if it was some kind of fishman planet like Booze, Keel, or Tepeto, ON it. Regardless, it'd do them both good to stick together- especially if some slip of etiquette lead to these turtles turning on them. Haruki gave a thumbs up to the lawyer and nodded, whispering back. "It's me and you against the world, Harvey!" Unphased at the modest lake, Haruki began tying his gear together and jumped in. A former fisherman wasn't afraid of swimming a few times his own body length- especially not in waters this clear. "I got nothing to worry about! I was swimming in monster-infested oceans before I could walk!" [@Scrapula][@BringBack1996]