[quote=@Terminal]Getting a little meta with the title there.[/quote] I wanted to give [@RomanAria] an easy title-drop. ;) I'm surprised neither of you realized, as [@PlatinumSkink] did, that my intention was for Ariana to avoid the confrontation entirely. Though it [i]does[/i] seem none of the other entrants took that route. Still, seeing as I've failed two labours with Ariana, she [i]might[/i] just show up one last time for TTL#12. I make exceptions to my usual rules for failed labours, as her presence in this round can attest to. Congrats to the winners! Sad to see an entry as captivating as [@Habibi359]'s not make the cut. [i](That's quite a trend you've got going, Platinum—I don't whether to hope you pass or fail the next labour!)[/i]