[center][h1][i]Welcome to the Kanto Region[/i][/h1][/center] [center][hider=Kanto Map][img]http://i.imgur.com/cEi5Rpp.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] This is where a trainer's journey begins! If a trainer wishes to be [i]the very best[/i], then it's always better to start from the bottom and make one's way to the very tip top! Region by region. If trainers are worthy to go far with their career, then making a name for themselves in Kanto would be a good start. Our journey begins in Pallet Town where trainers will meet with Professor Oak to pick their very first Pokemon. Trainers from all regions around the world have checked-in at the [b]Pallet Town Inn[/b], and they share the commonality that they're all rookies. But the real question is for how long? [center][h3]Pallet Town Inn[/h3][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/CcsenIZ.jpg[/img][/center] The Pallet Town Inn is primarily where all characters will live except for those trainers actually from Pallet Town. At the Pallet Town Inn, the trainers and their Pokemon are treated to a comfortable stay - quiet and peaceful nights, indoor swimming pool, hot springs, massage parlor, and a complimentary breakfast and dinner. The trainers are hailed as VIPs but don't take advantage of this service. Even though the trainers are funded by the Indigo League, the Pallet Town Inn staff will put an unruly trainer and their Pokemon on the street. [b]Pallet Town[/b] [center][hider=Pallet Town][img]https://jersonseling.wikispaces.com/file/view/POKEMON4EVER_D1%20copy.jpg/455465652/POKEMON4EVER_D1%20copy.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] If trainers didn't realize it upon arrival, Pallet Town is quite the country bumpkin place. There is absolutely nothing here. There aren't any Poke Shops for items, Poke Centers--just nothing. Once trainers acquire their first Pokemon, then it's probably best they dive right into their journey for there won't be any medical centers or resourceful shops until they reach [b]Pewter City[/b]. There's no hurry to move from one town to the next. Trainers are encouraged to make friends and allies. It is always good to have someone who can watch your back.