[quote=@SilentWriter83] [@Chrononaut] And history is written by the victor which is why conquered is used instead of stolen. It's a pneumonic device to sound less harmful. They stole and lied and killed and slaughtered all over the globe to "conquer" aka steal people's homes for their gold and jewels and natural resources in a name of a crown. [/quote] Small Gods probably has something good about this. [hider]“You’ve come to wage war on Omnia. This would not be a good idea.” “From Omnia’s point of view, yes.” “From everyone’s. You will probably defeat us. But not all of us. And then what will you do? Leave a garrison? Forever? And eventually a new generation will retaliate. Why you did this won’t mean anything to them. You’ll be the oppressors. They’ll fight. They might even win. And there’ll be another war. And one day people will say: why didn’t they sort it all out, back then? On the beach. Before it all started. Before all those people died. Now we have that chance. Aren’t we lucky?” Argavisti stared at him. Then he nudged Borvorius. “What did he say?” Borvorius, who was better at thinking than the others, said, “Are you talking about surrender?” “Yes. If that’s the word.” Argavisti exploded. “You can’t do that!” “Someone will have to. Please listen to me. Vorbis is dead. He’s paid.” “Not enough. What about your soldiers? They tried to sack our city!” “Do your soldiers obey your orders?” “Certainly!” “And they’d cut me down here and now if you commanded it?” “I should say so!” “And I’m unarmed,” said Brutha. The sun beat down on an awkward pause. “When I say they’d obey—” Argavisti began. “We were not sent here to parley,” said Borvorius abruptly. “Vorbis’s death changes nothing fundamental. We are here to see that Omnia is no longer a threat.” [/hider]