[@derseknight][@Aspen Wren] [h2][center][color=lightcoral]Ronnie[/color][/center][/h2] She could barely register the growling noises Pyre and Jax were making. Her eyes blinked in confusion as she watched the boy interact with his pets. No, rats. They were [i]rats[/i]. Rodents. A definite meal for her fire-breathing pet. Her jaw was slightly agape as she continued to stare at him. When her brain caught up to her mouth, Ronnie scrunched her nose. [color=lightcoral]"Honey, they're [i]rats[/i]."[/color] The girl quickly took another step back when she noticed one moving. Her dragon stayed in the same place, daring the other dragon to advance on them. Two heads were always better than one, you see. Her nose scrunched further in disgust and she quickly shook her head. [color=lightcoral]"Uh uh. This is not cool. This is not okay. I am [i]not[/i] living in an apartment that is infested."[/color] She backed away from the door. [color=lightcoral]"Pyre, Jax. Let's go. We have a room assignment to change."[/color] Quickly turning from the room, her and her dragon pet hurried from the apartment in search of the large dragon in charge.[hr][hr] [h2][center][color=gray]Vince[/color][/center][/h2] His breath caught in his throat when the girl looked his way. Her eyes were truly hypnotic and he couldn't help but to break out a sideway grin. Vince allowed his eyes to trail over her for the briefest of moments to not seem rude. The girl was truly different than the local California girls he usually spent his time with. She had to know how absolutely stunning she was; and yet, she seemed to be in the midst of having a panic attack. Raising a brow as he studied her, he watched as she closed her eyes and seemed to focus. Her breathing seemed deeper, almost concentrated. Definitely a technique to ward off panic. And then she opened those silver eyes of hers and looked straight at him. It almost knocked him off guard. Her reply to his question returned his attention to the current situation and he replied once more with a stupid grin. She took a few steps towards her and he couldn't help but notice the hint of skin at the bottom of her shirt. With a tilt of his head, he returned his attention to her face and realized she was speaking to him. Vince's eyes briefly glanced at the birds resting at the nape of her neck before he once more looked at their owner. At her last statement, he raised a brow in doubt. He spoke before he could stop himself. [color=gray]"Who in their right state of mind wouldn't be fond of you?"[/color] Realizing his slip of tongue, he straightened and cleared his throat. [color=gray]"I mean, you seem like a very nice girl. It's just surprising, is all."[/color] As she moved her hands up, the once hint of skin became more open to the public eye. He glanced at the contrast of color against her shirt before quickly averting his eyes. It was extremely rude of him to be checking her out while she was obviously having a hard enough time speaking with him. He could feel Lotan nudging the back of his knee with his scaly head and with a soft chuckle, Vince leaned his hand back to rub his pet's head. With a thought, he turned back to the girl and gave her a warm grin. [color=gray]"Vivii, right? Vivii, would you and Laila like to join Lotan and I for a stroll through the grounds? I'm sure it won't be crowded and it'll give us all a chance for some fresh air."[/color]