[hider= pure wolf tribe] [center][h1]Pure Wolves tribe[/h1][h3]"We are the wolves of purity our pack must survive"[/h3] [img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/224/e/2/imperium_of_the_white_wolf_by_cyberphoenix001-d6hrcr2.png[/img] [h2][b][u]OVERVIEW[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]The pure wolves are intent on one thing: survival. They believe that they are the ones to inherit this world when the monsters and blasphemers are dead. They celebrate the wolf in all its glory from what they remember about the amazing beasts. They survived together and were able to take down even the worst of killers which is man themselves. They fight together and they survive together and rarely do they trust outsiders that don't believe in the glory of the wolves.[/indent] [h2][b][u]CULTURE[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]The tribe is a close knit group that doesn't allow outsiders without good reason. The tribe believes that each member is born a pup and has to earn their wolf brand. Each member when they have proven themselves in battle or has proven they are productive members of the tribe they given the ritual branding. The image of a wolf is branded onto their chests for men and backs for women. The tribe has a special quality as their name explains they are pure humans the purest and untainted form so when their are members of the tribe that show either enhanced potency or a very fertile womb they are treated like royalty. They are protected by each and every member around them and their family is then given the status of betas, betas are the ones that keep their alpha wolf their current leader in check. They are considered the consensus of the pack giving the Alpha their opinions on major decisions. The Omegas are the regular wolves in the tribe that do everything like fighting and making themselves productive members of the tribe to earn their brands. [/indent] [h2][b][u]RESROUCES[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]The wolves are able to produce high quality weapons and armor from the old world. They are able to supply a strong and adaptable metal which they call "wolf Manes" those able to afford it from the wolves are able to say that they have one of the strongest forms of armor around. They don't share how they make the wolf manes to anyone but themselves, from metal they can also produce weapons of good quality. That they call "wolf fangs" a wolf fang weapon is made to last and work for a long time if properly maintained. Sadly their are times that that a beta does something unforgivable within the tribe that cant be taken back like stealing weapons, killing a fellow wolf, or something along those lines then they are sold off to other people. No doubt this system is cruel but it is effective in maintaining order and making sure that peace is kept because if they don't have each other then they have nothing.[/indent] [h2][b][u]LEADERSHIP[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]The tribe lives by the code of the wolf. Their is an Alpha which is the leader of the tribe either by doing a great feat of in battle that helped the wolves as a whole or if the Alpha dies then the betas discuss who will lead them. The betas are the royalty or high ranked class that represents the tribe as a whole. Depending on how many wolves have a high production rate the betas can range from 2 or to 20 they are all important and their opinions matter as a whole. Then their are the omegas who are the grunts and front line fighters they are regular members that hope to get the chance to prove themselves to everyone that they can be the next alpha or that they can earn their wolf brands. The flagship of the pure wolves is their war rig that the Alpha rides on: [img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/55bb/f/2015/153/b/e/war_rig_2_gold100_by_apothis68-d8vq9vw.png[/img] instead of the back being filled with fuel though half of the rig has holes allowing the grunts who have proven their worth ride in. They can attack anyone trying to attack the rigs from the sides the bottom of the rig holds all the fuel. Riding into battle with the alpha in his war rig is considered the highest honor. [/indent] [h2][b][u]MILITARY[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]The tribe has omegas as the bottom to top as the alpha. Their are a few certain cars they have in the pack all properly armor. The War runners: These are lightest vehicles in the wolf tribe arsenal. They are motorcycles outfitted with heavy armor to cover the sides and rear they are considered light because the tires and the engine aren't protected only the rider himself is protected. These move the fastest and can outmaneuver heavy and clunky vehicles all wolves get trained in riding these basic vehicles. "Bite backs": These are SUV's recovered from the old world that have been outfitted with heavy armor and spikes on the roof and grinders on the wheels. These bite backs are the main unit transporters as they can hold up to 6 wolves in a single car. They are hard to take down because of their armor but they are not infallible the driver is trained to handle them if they are taken out then the transport of essentially cut off from the main fight unless someone is courageous enough to drive something with hell handling making it easy to tip over and expose the cars most vulnerable parts. "black wolves": They are fuel transport trucks outfitted with heavy armor able to carry many gallons of fuel in them. Their is only one driver and he isn't protected instead his transport is protected. The black wolves are the ones that are needed to be protected the most by the other wolves no fuel equals no life in this world after all. "The Fangs": These are the trucks that are fitted for combat they are the heaviest and most destructive forces other then the war rig itself. They are spiked up and outfitted to be the most destructive things on the road they can ram other vehicles into the dirt and the wolves inside these beasts are able to shoot from all sides of the truck so that they aren't taken by surprise. Their only weakness is explosive weapons to break off the armor protecting the wolves inside. war rig also known as "The White wolf": explained previously[/indent] [/center] [/hider] [hider=ROLLS] 1 Genetic Make Up Full Lives: Your clan is made up primarily of genetically pure and untainted humans. Certainly a rare sight in this day and age, you’ll draw more attention than you’d think. A temporary genetic fluke or something more permanent? 2 Cultural Meta-Group Tribal: New cultures have sprung up since the apocalypse, some more recognizably linked to the old world than others. Unique expressions of culture and unusual handmade items are the common distinctions for tribals. Usually have an odd accent/manner of speech do to lack of contact. Less “civilized” but often no less savvy to the wasteland than others. Usually looked on with confusion or condescension by groups more tied to the old world. 3 Leadership Democracy/Consensus: A relative rarity in the post-apocalypse, the group has decided that no one individual holds all the power, but generally makes decisions based on everyones imput. 4 Cultural Quirks Xenophobic: Distrustful and always wary of outsiders, the group is often seen as cold or distant by others. Trade is hard, and diplomatic interactions are harder. Other cultural strains often run stronger in insular groups though. Distinctive Icon: A motif or symbol runs throughout the groups structures, clothes, and vehicles. Maybe it’s a specific animal or object, or maybe it’s something less specific like bullets or flames. 5 Distinctive Appearance Leathers: Never ride without your distinctive leather jackets and other assorted biker gear. Never. Gas Masks: Never seen without their masks, they might have a single distinctive style or just whatever they find. In either case, it certainly makes for an imposing appearance in most situations. Maybe they only do it for that intimidation factor, maybe it’s because they live in a particularly nasty patch. Unique Body Mod: Come in many forms, from filed teeth to a specific kind of tattoo to ritual branding. 6 Unique/Exclusive Resource Breeders: It’s a grim truth. Humanity is sick, and very few are truly healthy. Those that can insure a stable next generation wield an immense amount of power. Be it men whose seed is exceptionally potent or women whose wombs are perfectly fertile. Depending on how they leverage it, either could become a commodity or royalty. 7 Equipment Quality Well-Kept: Armor is high quality and made after the apocalypse, guns are well kept and cleaned from the old world, and homes are actually decent to live in. Clothes are actually usually old world articles or made with old world machines. 8 Motor-Pool General Make Up Armored: Old world military or post apocalyptic designs. Incredibly tough, dependable, and powerful. Not the absolute fastest, but if you need to be secure getting somewhere? There are non-better. 9 Special Vehicle Shit De-Construction Equipment: Cars are mounted with buzzsaws, mini-excavators, and plows for wrecking enemy vehicles. Turbo-Charged: Engines are supercharged and often fitted with nitrous. The group's cars will be capable of incredible bursts of speed, at the cost of some special maintenance and materials. 10 Flagship Vehicle War Rig: Huge, heavily armoured, able to carry a ton of cargo, and manned/gunned like a fortress. War Rigs command the roads, and anyone who’s anyone has one. Generally made of a truck or two stapled together, but other bodies are possible. A combine for example. [/hider] [@ClocktowerEchos] here is my group waiting on approval