[hider=Not Nazi Germany in Space][b]Nation Name:[/b] The Empire of Germany [b]Government Type:[/b] Federal Monarchy [b]Government Description:[/b] Germany, much as it was at the beginning of the 20th century, is styled as a federal monarchy, with the Kaiser presiding over the separate states joined by the federation. Despite returning to a monarchial system, freedom and participation are still valued highly within the Empire. Each state within the Empire has its own presiding ruler or government system, with monarchs accounting for the largest number but a sizeable amount of republics as well. Organization at a national level takes place between the Kaiser and the Parliament of the Empire (a freely-elected legislative body with one representative per ten million citizens), the latter holding significantly less power than the former and existing only due to the Kaiser’s generosity. The Parliament of the Empire is entrusted with internal legislation for cross-state relations and rights, as well as ostensibly providing a civilian voice in military matters. Nearly all other matters fall under jurisdiction of the Kaiser or the individual state governments, with foreign policy determined solely by the Kaiser. Civil and economic rights are well-supported ideas within Germany, receiving almost full-fledged support from the people of the Empire and its governing bodies. Freedom of speech, arms, religion, and a plethora of other actions are permitted by the government and infringing on these rights is often frowned upon in most situations. Additionally, economic practices are only lightly regulated in most cases, with what regulation does exist protecting the rights of the workers rather than the businesses. Some industries are state-owned and operated, however, as they are considered too critical for Germany’s defense and improvement to leave to free corporations, with the two largest of these industries being those of ship-building and armaments. There is no active attempt to spread the ideology of the German Empire, such as it exists, to surrounding states, a result of both national pride and desire for regional stability. With this desire for regional stability, however, comes a general course of action that involves suppressing the growth of radical ideologies, mainly those related to Soviet Communism, fascism, and hyper-capitalism/imperialism. This fact is often a source of tension due to constant German military and political oversight of the surrounding stellar regions, with limited intervention an infrequent tool to maintain stability. Desire for expansion is a common trait amongst many of Germany’s people, receiving full endorsement from national and state governments. Territorial growth occurs slowly as the government preparation requirements are stringent, made so as to minimize any chance of failure, often requiring interested parties to conduct multiple tests both on the target planet and in labs to prove the reliability of their plans. Once established, the government and corporations quickly step in, bringing extensive infrastructural development to the system and/or planet within the first months to years, establishing a level of advancement close to that of the oldest colonies. [b]National Leader(s):[/b] Kaiser Arnfried “Riese” Walkenhorst I [b]Nation Capital:[/b] Königsberg, Neu Westphalia, Herzland System [b]Estimated Population:[/b] 16,617,142,420 (estimates from last national census) [b]Brief Nation History:[/b] [b]Cultural Information:[/b] [b]Society Information:[/b] [b]Language(s):[/b] Old German is the official language of the country, although New German and other derivatives are more often spoken amongst the people of the Empire. Other languages, although present, are often only used when dealing with those that cannot speak any of the German forms. [b]Notable Locations:[/b] [b][u]Military Information:[/u][/b] [b]Military Doctrine:[/b] [b]Military Strengths:[/b] [b]Military Weaknesses:[/b] [b]Foreign Policy:[/b] [b][u]Additional Information/Queries:[/u][/b] Dirty communists finna get mugged [/hider]