Austin smirked and shrugged, [color=598527]I'd be willing to bet it's another day of walking. It's cold, we gotta get packed up, but we can't wait too long until we find a position far from that crash and defensible,"[/color] the pilot explained to Lucy. The woman was gorgeous, but didn't seem like she was even thirty yet. Hell, she could be his daughter, but that didn't stop him from noticing her good looks. [color=598527]"Let's see if we can't get them ready to move soon - they gotta start learning to mobilize quickly. Thanks for stepping up,"[/color] He added with a nod, leaving to rouse other groups. His boots crunched leaves as he moved throughout the camp and starting helping to pack up equipment when one of the scouts burst through the treeline. Austin hit his knee and raised the rifle to face the surprise visitor, staring down the barrel, lining up the sights before realizing it was one of theirs. [color=598527]"Damn, Daniel, you can't come crashing in here like that, you'll get shot, Chris..."[/color] He muttered, lowering his weapon as he looked around for the second scout - the answer came out of the sputtering scout before Austin even asked. He turned to look at the camp, keeping his voice down a little bit, but making sure everybody heard it. [color=598527]"Alright everybody, we gotta get this shit packed up - double time, let's go! We're moving [i]now.[/i]"[/color] He explained, rolling people out of any sleeping bags or rolls that hadn't already gotten up. They might groan or throw a fit, but the situation didn't have time for them to be gently woken up anymore. They missed that chance, welcome to Hell. Boggs looked to Jon and nodded, watching the portion of the woods Daniel had said they had been chased from. If they came through there, Austin would be able to pop off a few. They were fast now? How was this shit even fair? He gave an irritated sigh and gave a quick glance around the camp every now and then. What a shit show... The air fell silent around him save for the rustling of trees swaying in the wind and things getting packed up. "Alright, people let's start moving!" He called out with a certainty; in the distance, he could see the rotten corpses described - they were crashing through bramble and around trees. They were certainly fast - definitely running, but there was still too much in the way to hit them. They weren't too close, but Austin's vision was still doing him some good and time was running short. Gradually, he started walking backward away from the treeline, trying to get everybody moving. "Jon! Could use you, if you're not too tied up - maybe we can get the fast fuckers killed before they're too much of a threat and then start getting away from the horde that's been following us, eh?" He suggested, looking for his old neighbour and the fastest draw in the group. It definitely wouldn't hurt to have an extra pair of eyes.