[color=f26522]"you'd think with the largest library in the known world you'd be able to find something on a sword like this"[/color] [color=007236]"perhaps it not from the known world eh?"[/color] [color=f26522]"is that good or bad?"[/color] [color=007236]"good, probably, what doesn't kill you and all that...anyways it's not worth fretting about while we've got a mission, there's certainly stranger things in the world than an exotic, demon-possessed sword. C'mon, lets get to the docks before we're late"[/color] The two of them continued along the path to the docks for awhile in relative silence until they noticed an owl flying through the air that Rakuyo recognized as a conjured familiar. With a slight smile he conjured his own, a raven, and sent it up to fly with the owl, it playfully followed the owl through the air as the went the rest of the way to the docks to find two others already there. [color=f26522]"That's your owl I take it?"[/color] he said walking up to the two of them and making a gesture at the sky with his thumb, he was just speaking to the two of them but he took a second look at the elven woman [color=f26522]"aren't you a scholar? I think I may have seen you around the tower before"[/color] a second later his eyes widened as he realized the two of them were speaking [color=f26522]"oh, I'm sorry, am I interrupting"[/color] Aslatiel for his part just snickered and came up to stand beside his friend.