[@Pineappletumble] [color=0072bc]'Sure thing, kid; It's all yours.'[/color] Hardwick handed the map to Koru, who placed it neatly inside the open book. [color=0072bc]'As for the investigation, well...'[/color] He looked down at the drink in front of him forlornly. It was the Golden Rule: [i]Never share the knowledge of the lurking eldritch horrors with an outsider.[/i] It had kept both him and many others safe over the years, but it made for a lonely life. Outside a few select people at Miskatonic University, the chat with Koru was the closest thing Hardwick had had to meaningful human interaction for a long time. [color=0072BC]'Aw, to Hell with it.'[/color] He took a deep breath. [color=0072BC]'Have you ever heard of the Great Old Ones?'[/color]