[quote=@Taeryn] Bioaugmentation is probably quite expensive, added there's no real nanotechnology of any worth to help with it so were potentially talking a Deus Ex type scenario where you're basically on drugs for life to not reject them, theres cultural bias and yes, there's about a dozen organisations both official and unofficial on both sides that do things for and against and its a mess. The UN is also militarized, don't forget that. It's not something I'm going to keep rehashing or i'll be rambling and ranting about it, it is what it is, whether it makes sense or not is kind of secondary to whether its giving me a headache or not. What you do once things are in motion are another matter and come with their own consequences. Theres not bans on "genetic modification" - hell some are necessary for medical reasons and other things are necessary to live in certain places, its just not a run away prospect where people have stupidly ridiculous supermen yet are 90% technology on top. That's not what this is about. Also y'all can stop with your silly anti-communist fear mongering, the USSR is more socialist than communist at this point in time :p. And if anything is a problem I'll let you know. [/quote] But without fear mongering, my entire existence is invalidated! D: