Techwise, Anything up to what you see in BSG/Halo type universes, that is, the new BSG - bar self-aware AI, that can come in RP if you want. If you feel you're going past that then find a good reason or ask about it. As for that. You shouldn't feel the need - the purpose of the FTL in place was to create strategic and tactical considerations already. I mean it essentially provides for as such in that the only meaningful way to travel between most stars is at particular points and along particular lines, and where these node lines are and where they go to is largely at player discretion. I mean lets use an example - my map making skills are nil and I won't make you suffer paint. [img][/img] Lets say you wanted to get from Altair to Gamma Serpentis, you'd need to go to 70 Ophiuchi, down to a system off screen, back up to HR5553, then onto Gamma Serpentis. At least if you're aiming to do it in any reasonable amount of time. I hope that example of the FTL system works in helping people. If you still feel you need a crazy nebula or whatever for some reason go ahead and throw something down to discuss, but i wont otherwise be policing local spatial geographic features unless they're outright silly. [quote=@Durandal] But without fear mongering, my entire existence is invalidated! D: [/quote] Fear the EU and their rampant liberal democracy, obviously.