[center][b][h1]SALUTE TO THE FALLEN[/h1][/b][/center] [center][img]https://s11.postimg.org/97z47ug43/World_003.png[/img][/center] [b][u]May 11th[/u][/b] [list][*][b][color=red]Karalian Uprising[/color][/b]: The [b][color=beige]Seljuk 14th Army[/color][/b] under General Hassan Mahmed ([i]Loyal/Alcoholic[/i]) is defeated at the [b][color=red]Battle of Harash[/color][/b]. Elements of the 14th army crossed the river and were promptly attacked by Karalian insurgents, but managed to repulse them. While handling their dying and wounded, the Karalian Army sortied forth from the hills, using mostly M1902 Schutze rifles stolen from nearby Seljuk garrisons. Outnumbered 2,700 against 8,000, the Seljuk soldiers fought a delaying action, retreating under withering fire from Karalians across the rocky, jagged outcroppings that lined the river. With over 1,700 dead, the Karalians proclaim a great victory. [*]An unnamed Zellonian fleet departs from Zellonia into the Inner Sea toward the Seljuk Empire. Early that morning, only forty kilometers from the coast, the [i]ZRN Hope[/i], an armored cruiser strikes a mine that long was assumed to have floated from the Sessauan coast. In a span of six hours the cruiser goes dead in the water, lists heavily to one side and flounders. Heavy fog inhibits rescue operations, but the captain and 187 sailors are rescue.[/list] [center][img]http://images.mentalfloss.com/sites/default/files/irresistible_0.jpg[/img] [i]Sinking of the ZRN Hope, 1910[/i][/center] [b][u]May 12th[/u][/b] [list][*]The [b][color=red]Kingdom of Blutland[/color][/b] does not answer the Jouran military attaché's response for support. [/list] [b][u]May 13th[/u][/b] [list][*]The [b][color=beige]Seljuk Empire[/color][/b] condemns the [b][color=red]Kingdom of Blutland[/color][/b] for posting bombastic propaganda, implying the Seljuk are committing atrocities against the Karalians.[/list] [b][u]May 14th[/u][/b] [list][*]60 Havka machine guns, sent from the [b][color=lightgreen]Empire of Saurilia[/color][/b], arrive in Seljuk. They are immediately sent to the front to equip the units there. The [b][color=beige]Seljuk Empire[/color][/b] diplomat in Saurilia sends his and the Sultan's thanks, promising payment after the uprising is put down.[/list] [b][u]May 15th[/u][/b] [list][*]Letters from Jouran agents in Dongaria begin reaching the intelligence quarters there. The Dongarians are immensely impoverished, with a million man army they enforce almost constant martial law under King Carl IV, a despotic, near megalomaniac ruler.[/list] [hr] [center][img]https://s11.postimg.io/eie1ueo9v/Budget_Page.png[/img] [i]Monthly Budget Sheet[/i][/center] [hider=REQUEST DESIGN] [b]Costs 0 Political Clout[/b] -- [[b]Request Category[/b]: [Aviation], [Army], [Naval] -- [[b]Request Perimeters[/b]: [Rifle], [Machine Gun], [Light Cannon], [Heavy Cannon], [Scout], [Reconnaissance Aircraft], [Submarine], [Destroyer], [Light Cruiser], [Armored Cruiser], [Coastal Battleship], [Dreadnought] -- [[b]Desired Requirements[/b]]: [i]Explain to your design companies what the desired requirements for your design are here[/i].[/hider]