[center][h3][color=limegreen]Day 27 - a song I make fun of [/color][/h3][/center][hr] [center][hider=Miguel - Do You... (Cashmere Cat Remix)][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaUunC8-T2Y[/youtube][/hider][/center] It's not a bad song per se, I just find the lyrics/the way they're sung comical and irresistible enough to make me sing along in an absolutely overdone way every time. I mean, just listen to it! HAAAAVE YOUUU EVEEER FEEELT ALOOOONE DOOOO YOUUUU STIIIILL BELIEEEVE IN LOOVE DO YOU LIKE DRUUUGS DO YOU LIKE DRUUUUGS YEAH? WELL ME TOO ME TOO