[H1][color=662d91]Vedika Venkatraman[/color][/h1][H3]"Perfection consists not in doing extraordinary things, but in doing ordinary things extraordinarily well."[/h3][indent]-Angelique Arnauld[/indent] [hider=I will be Victory][img]http://static1.squarespace.com/static/533cdb94e4b0f66e7798835e/t/57014de1b6aa607cbb8e8da0/1459703279236/[/img][/hider] [B][color=662d91]Age:[/color][/b] 18 [B][color=662d91]Appearance:[/color][/b][indent]Vedika is 5'2" and weighs 130lbs. She has light-brown skin, hazel eyes, and shoulder-length brown hair.  Even when not smiling, her face appears cheerful, and when she does smile it's an innocent, dorky sort of smile.[/indent] [B][color=662d91]Personality:[/color][/b][indent]Vedika is energetic and friendly, always willing to go out of her way to help others. She has an independent spirit that falls just short of rebellion. She goes everywhere at top speed, parkours like a daredevil, and tends to use unorthodox openings as entrances. Though not bad at schoolwork, she tends to prioritize the needs of others, getting involved in other projects, often letting her grades slip, accepting punishments with a grin. She is straightforward and honest to a fault, and can become uncomfortably chummy, often acting unnecessarily like a big sister. Her life goal is simply to be helpful to others, and she pushes herself hard to achieve this. She sees her ability as the ultimate vehicle for her to become uniquely helpful and strives to perfect it.[/indent] [B][color=662d91]History:[/color][/b][indent]Some call her 'Vivi', sometimes she goes by 'Victory', Vedika Venkatraman is the daughter of an immigrant couple from India, come to America looking to eke out an opportunity. Her mother is a software engineer and her father is a stay-at-home dad taking care of her and her several younger siblings. As the eldest, she learned from her father the responsibilities of taking care of the household. At school, she defended herself, her younger siblings, and her friends from bullies. She was always known to be a scrappy little tomboy, climbing trees, climbing buildings, and getting into scuffles. One time when she was 13, a particularly nasty and racist bully got extremely aggressive and violent. Vedika's power manifested then. He was unable to harm her, and without knowing the other half of her power, she killed him in [url=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QImBolnTVH8]one punch[/url]. Soon the men in suits came and took her away. She doesn't know what they told her parents, maybe they thought she was in a juvenile detention facility. That's when she became a student at the school.[/indent] [B][color=662d91]Vajra:[/color][/b][indent]Vajra is the philosophical concept of absolute perfection: embodying the lightning, energy, pure in its instance and intensity and capable of destroying all other materials that would cross its path; embodying the diamond, clear, eternal and indestructible.  This is what Vedika has chosen to call her ability which centers around the vague concept of the manipulation of 'biological energy', though researchers on the phenomenon have also dubbed it as "Absolute Terror Field", "Hedgehog's Dilemma", "Self-Other Dichotomy", or "Lennard-Jones Potential". It essentially manifests as a form of martial art technique reminiscent of ancient mystical forms of 'chi' or 'chakra' control, granting Vedika an aura that allows her to wield two main abilities, Penetrating Strike, and Absolute Defense, and one secondary ability, Aura Transfer. [list][*][color=662d91]Penetrating Strike[/color] allows Vedika to transfer a part of her aura through physical contact to disrupt those of others, allowing her to bypass physical defense, allowing her strikes to resonate past barriers and cause internal damage.  This does not amplify her damage, it merely causes it to transfer towards the nearest and weakest parts of the body and concentrate there, so her strikes still need to be full-force and actually manage to hit.  For example, punches to the torso do mostly organ damage, while punches to the limbs mostly target the joints. Vedika needs to activate the ability consciously for each separate strike and has taught herself never to strike the head with this ability activated for fear of causing severe brain, eye, throat, or inner ear damage.[*][color=662d91]Absolute Defense[/color] allows her to solidify her own aura, creating a rejection of all external physical impacts. This ability is not 'always on' and must be activated and maintained with stability and concentration. Vedika must usually adopt a 'stance' to activate this ability.[*][color=662d91]Aura Transfer[/color] allows Vedika to transfer these techniques to others through physical contact, usually by placing her palms on the receiver's shoulders. She usually uses this to give others Absolute Defense to protect them from damage. Like Absolute Defense, Vedika usually must adopt a stable stance to use this ability, though the same is not required of her target.[*]It is hypothesized that at some point, Vedika will learn how to 'project' her aura, granting ranged 'energy blasts', though this has not yet been confirmed.[/list] Some believe that the strength of her ability is tied to her strong sense of self coupled with her strong sense of altruism.  Stability is necessary for her ability to be at full power, this includes physical, mental, and emotional stability. Because of her ability, Vedika has never learned an actual fighting style, knowing how to throw maybe 3-4 basic types of punches, and even fewer types of kicks because she has never needed to get around someone's defenses. She doesn't really know any blocking techniques either as she has never needed to defend herself.[/indent] [B][color=662d91]Allergies:[/color][/b] N/A [B][color=662d91]Pre-existing conditions:[/color][/b] N/A