Everyone one thousand years, a random human is gifted with an immense power of holy light that has the capacity to heal and the capacity to destroy. And every one thousand years, the demon empress of the underworld walks the earth's surface to hunt down and kidnap that human to use their powers for her own purposes. What that human does is up to them. Perhaps the human tries to master their powers before the empress drains them and fights back. Perhaps they attempt to escape the underground and return to their home above. Perhaps they align with the creatures of the underground and helps rebel against the empress's plans. Or perhaps they align themselves with the empress for their own survival, get on her good side, with a chance to rule an entire realm by her side. No matter what they choose, it's going to be a dangerous game. [list] [*] I am playing the empress, along with several other demonic supporting characters. [*] Both males and females are accepted. Romance with either is perfectly okay to me. [*] Romance is kinda preferable, but there's gotta be plot and chemistry. [*] 18+, for the possibility of sex and the higher possibility of violence. Pretty sure there's gonna be violence. [*] I want to play this in the threads, but PM is fine too. [*] I've been RPing for about seven years, and as such I'm at a high-casual low-advanced level. To make sure my partner and I will be compatible, I'm asking for a writing sample. Quality is more important than quantity, so I don't care if you can't do ten paragraphs per response. But getting mostly short, passionless replies really puts a damper on my inspiration. I can't give much more than I'm getting, if you see what I mean. [*] I'm online fairly often, so I'd love a partner who could respond at least once a day. I have the capacity to be a speed poster. [*] Making friends with my partners is important to me, so talk to me OOC! I love it! [/list] I think that's about it. PM me if you like any of the ideas or would like to propose any more.