[hider=K.K] [center][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/kekkai-sensen/images/3/39/KK.png/revision/latest?cb=20141219132439[/img][/center] [list] [*][b][color=fff200]Name:[/color][/b] K.K [*][b][color=fff200]Universe:[/color][/b] [i]Blood Blockade Battlefront[/i] [*][b][color=fff200]Appearance:[/color][/b] K.K is a tall, thin woman, with chin-length blonde hair & blue eyes. She typically wears a clad red trench-coat over a black crop-top, along with having rather short shorts & thigh-high high-heeled boots, as well as as sporting an eyepatch on her right eye. [*][b][color=fff200]Personality:[/color][/b] Typically cheerful, lively, and confident, KK deeply cares for her comrades & son, whom she treasures above all else. She seems to have a slight complex about her age and figure, and openly dislikes being around Steven, Libra's second-in-command, whom she refers to as 'Scarface'. She shares a much closer relationship to Klaus, Libra's Leader, whom she describes as a perfect gentleman and the leader of her organization. In fact, she worried and cried for Klaus after he was put at the brink of death and coughing blood from playing Prosfair for 99 hours in exchange for valuable information, and threatened to kill her subordinates if they couldn't use that information to good use as it nearly cost her friend his life. Possibly due to her strong relationships with her children she is also protective of children, with one time having saved two children stuck in a car from being killed. [*][b][color=fff200]Abilities:[/color][/b] [list] [*][b][color=fff200]954 Blood Bullet Art:[/color][/b] Is her fighting style that uses high-power guns that converts her blood to electricity to electrocute enemies. [*][b][color=fff200]Electrigger 1.25 Gigawatt:[/color][/b] K.K. shoots a bullet that seems to enhance its speed and power by electricity. [*][b][color=fff200]Strafingvolt 2000:[/color][/b] K.K. shoots two bullets from a low-rising plane and hits multiple targets through electrocution. [/list] [*][b][color=fff200]Alliance:[/color][/b] Team Charmeine [*][b][color=fff200]Theme:[/color][/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_d0IrvRlxsg[/youtube] [/list] [/hider] [hider=Best Mom Ever(?)] [center][h2][b][color=ed1c24]R[/color][color=f26522]a[/color][color=fff200]g[/color][color=00a651]y[/color][color=0072bc]ō[/color] [color=ed1c24]K[/color][color=f26522]i[/color][color=fff200]r[/color][color=00a651]y[/color][color=0072bc]u[/color][color=662d91]i[/color][color=ec008c]n[/color][/b][/h2] [img]http://static.tumblr.com/cca46e56dd36054ed808213c0d41f0c9/ajlsn1n/Mocn20zji/tumblr_static_best_mom_again.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b]Name:[/b] Ragyō Kiryuin [b]Universe:[/b] [i]Kill La Kill[/i] Series [b]Appearance:[/b] Ragyō's most prominent feature is her resplendent multi-colored hair, with a silver color on top. She has a very attractive and authoritarian appearance, and is at all times flaunting glamorous dresses. She happens to be quite tall, standing at around 6'6"*. Much like her daughter, Ragyō is often accompanied by a blinding light that shines from behind her. She also has seven scars on her back that greatly resemble the stars emblazoned in Goku Uniforms. The origin of these scars is unknown, but they are likely a result of her fusion with Life Fibers. [i]*(Guesstimate: Actual height not confirmed)[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] Ragyō is a character bathed in luxury, and it shows in her overall presentation and attitude. She is vain and proud, and boasts her power and status abundantly. According to Rei Hōōmaru, her character and morals are at the very least questionable. Ragyō, like Satsuki, is strangely willing to indulge the whims of her inferiors, and is quite personable with those loyal to her, and is similarly ruthless towards her enemies. However, she is individualistically cruel and sadistic, brutalizing and maniacally taunting Satsuki and tearing Ryūko's heart out simply to make a point. She enjoys domination and control, lusting for power over the world in order to give it to the Life Fibers. Her cruelty has shown to be even more sinister, as she has been shown fondling (and even sexually assaulting) Satsuki and Ryūko, as well as herself in one time. All of this may be done because she merely enjoys dominating someone or something*. She was shown to have an unbreakable will (a trait she apparently passed on to Satsuki and Ryūko) and a strong devotion to the Life Fibers, having actively given her human soul to them. As a result, she had absolutely no regard for human life, including her own, going as far as using her infant daughters as test subjects for potentially fatal experiments, and eventually committing suicide rather than accepting defeat after Ryūko kills all the earthly Life Fibers. In her final moments, despite having failed, she believes that the Life Fibers will eventually return to Earth, and despite Ryūko's counterpoint that humans will remain human (and therefore remain capable of defeating them), Ragyō remains undeterred and even smirks before pulling out and crushing her own heart, dissipating into nothingness... that is until she was able to return from the grave. [i]*(Don't worry, this type of action will only happen to a very VERY rare degree. Trust me pls).[/i] [b]Abilities:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Life Fiber Manipulation:[/b] Life Fibers are sentient parasitic organisms of extraterrestrial origin, and are the origin of all clothing on Earth, as well as the entities responsible for the evolution of humanity. All Life Fiber originates from the Original Life Fiber, also known as the Primordial Life Fiber, an object originated from space that crashed onto Earth tens of thousands of years ago. More information can be found [url=http://kill-la-kill.wikia.com/wiki/Life_Fibers]here[/url]. [list] [*] [b]Superhuman Physical Prowess -[/b] Ragyō's physiology has been enhanced with Life Fibers. Because of this, she has superhuman strength, speed, reflexes and durability, and in her prime was enough to physically overpower two Kamui-wearing opponents, Ryūko and Satsuki with relative ease, even though both had substantially developed their Kamui and Life Fiber-based powers. She was also able to break Satsuki's blade, Bakuzan, a blade developed to sever Life Fibers with her bare fist. However, her resurrection has caused the life fibers to start all over again, only giving her 25% of her strength compared to when in her prime. Regardless, she can still deal heavy blows to a character if they aren't careful, and she can take a hefty amount of punishment as well. [*] [b]Regeneration -[/b] Due to the power of Life Fibers dwelling inside of her body during her prime, Ragyō could regenerate any wound inflicted on her almost instantly, even being decapitated at the hands of her daughter Satsuki. The exception to this is if she is cut by either the Bakuzan or the Scissor Blades from two different directions. Since her life fibers reset themselves after her resurrection, the speed in which they can heal has been cut drastically, but enough to have Ragyō survive a good ammount of injuries. Tiny cuts can be healed in minutes, but an arm or a leg will take several hours to regrow via Life Fiber Restoration. And at this stage, the fibers can be cut by an incredibly strong blade weapon of almost any kind. [*] [b]Life Fiber Restoration -[/b] Ragyō was also capable of recreating new limbs via creating new Life Fibers into them. Although compared to Nui after she got new arms, she noted they were not as good as her original ones. After her resurrection, while still able to do so, it takes only twice as fast as regrowing them, and even then it takes a good sum of power for her to do so. [*] [b]"Flight" -[/b] Much like her daughters, Ragyō was capable of flying at high speeds, although she does not require the use of a Kamui to do so. After her resurrection, this power has been reset, and cannot be used at this time. However, she can jump rather long and high distances. [/list] [*] [b]Life Fiber Swords -[/b] During the battle against her daughters, Ragyō wielded a pair of giant, sewing needle-like swords, which according to her were made from ultra-hardened Life Fibers produced by the Original Life Fiber, that can sever Life Fibers and which served as the basis for the development of the Bakuzan and Scissor Blades. She also demonstrated the ability to alter their form, shaping them into a pair of spiked, tree branch-like blades. They remain almost the same way even after she was resurrected, minus altering their form. [*] [b]"Coming Soon(?)"[/b] [/list] [b]Alliance:[/b] Team Zuriel/Herself [b]Other:[/b] For the record, this Ragyō will be resurrected sometime after the events of the last episode of Kill La Kill, and will be weaker than in the Anime. Regeneration will be slowed down by a huge degree, but enough to make it still a threat and NOT be OP. HOWEVER, she will slowly be getting stronger and stronger, perhaps almost to her prime, if not surpass it (depends on how the RP goes). [b]Theme (Wiedergeburt von Blumenkranz / Rebirth of Flower Wreath)[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UklYVHHQ4Bk[/youtube] [/hider]