[color=yellow][h1][i]Jack Darcy[/i][/h1][/color] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/46/6e/e9/466ee90e5fd096df9da0d80e546684a0.jpg[/img] All Jack could hear was the sounds of a tropical rainforest, with a light rain. He wasn't dreaming, he knew he was asleep and didn't want to wake up. It was peaceful, serene, then the phone rang. Jack opened his eyes wiping away the sleep, he grabbed the remote and turned off the ambience before answering the phone. [color=yellow]"Hello?[/color] he said groggily. "Jack, it's Ryan." The familiar sounds of Jacks best man replied [color=yellow]"What is it man, you woke me up."[/color] he said slowly getting out of bed and heading for the bathroom. "Listen dude i can't make it to your wedding. The wife and I are going to New Zealand for the week." Jack couldn't believe his ears, a mix of anger, hate and sadness rushed all over him. [color=yellow]"What are you on about? The wedding is in seven days. SEVEN DAYS!"[/color] His voice getting angrier and angrier [color=yellow]"And you decide to go on a f*&king holiday now?"[/color] he was expecting some bull excuse but decided he wasn't having it and interuppted before Ryan could reply.[color=yellow]"You know what? forget it have fun on your holiday."[/color] he said hanging up the phone he threw it at the wall so hard not only did the screen shatter it chipped the tile in the wall. He showered and dressed himself in his usual button up shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans and headed downstairs to eat, but not before pulling the sim card out of his shattered phone and putting it in his back up phone. A text from Ryan apologising and explaining why the sudden change of plans but Jack just deleted the message. He walked into the kitchen where his servant Henry was waiting, having been in the family for over 30 years, Henry was very good at his job and knew exactly what to do when he saw the angry look on Jacks face. He handed Jack a glass of juice and told him breakfast would be in a few minutes. Jack sat at the large table, no one else was there yet. [color=yellow][i]'I wonder where Dominic is?'[/i][/color] He texted Dominic, saying that he had to discuss something with him, deciding that Dominic could be his best man, regardless of the fact that Jack and Dominic had only reconnected three months ago, Jack still considered Dominic to be a really good friend. After he sent the text to Dominic he then sent one to Sophia explaining what was going on, and that he was going to ask Dom instead, he knew this was a big day and to have plans change at the last minute could stress Sophia out but told her not to worry and that he was handling it. [right][@Saz][@Quinntessential][/right]