[center][b][h1]SALUTE TO THE FALLEN[/h1][/b][/center] [center][img]https://s11.postimg.org/97z47ug43/World_003.png[/img][/center] [b][u]May 16th[/u][/b] Saurilian naval theorist Hunter Gonnig formerly an engineer at Throng's Shipping Company publishes his work on combat at sea entitled [i]The Young, Fast and the Bright: The Future of Naval War[/i]. Gonnig's ideas are given the moniker the [b]Saurilian Thought[/b], which foresaw naval combat evolving into heavily armed ships with lighter armor. These ships, similar to dreadnoughts but with less than half of the existing armor are entitled [b]Battlecruisers[/b]. While the Saurilian Naval Staff could reject Gonnig's ideas, his writings were subsequently submitted to them for their use. [b][u]May 17th[/u][/b] As per requested, both [b]Conrad's Crowns Manufacturing[/b] and [b]Robert's Reloading Arms[/b] submit [b][color=lightblue]Blueprints[/color][/b] for the ZLR-012 bolt action rifle. [hider=ZLR-012 Mark C (Conrad's Crowns)] [b]Description[/b]: [i]The magazine system uses en bloc charger clips which were originally developed and patented by Henry Donovan, but the actual shape and design of the Mark C clip is derived from the Tyro-Antarian Model 1902 Schutze. Until 1910, all Zellonian rifles and carbines were chambered for the rimless 6.5×52mm Model A 1895 cartridge, using a round-nose metal case bullet of 160 grains weight at approximately 2,000-2,400 ft/s muzzle velocity, depending upon barrel length. At least one small arms authority noted inconsistencies in powder types in arsenal-loaded 6.5×52mm military ammunition, often with different powder types and ammunition lots intermixed within a single clip of ammunition. The practice of intermixing powder types and ammunition lots in clipped rifle ammunition was generally avoided by arsenals of other nations, as it generally resulted in varying bullet velocities and excessive bullet dispersion on the target. After reports of inadequate performance at both short and long ranges during the campaigns in training, the Zellonian army introduced a new short rifle in 1907, the ZLR-005, together with a new cartridge in 7.35×51mm caliber. In addition to the slightly larger caliber, Zellonian ordnance designers introduced a spitzer-type bullet for the new cartridge, with the tip filled with aluminum to produce an unstable (tumbling) projectile upon impact in soft tissue (a design most likely copied from the .303 Estalian Mark E bullet). The Mark C is an adequate long rifle with a simplistic box chamber to prevent jams. With a 7.35x51mm cartridge, it's stopping power is interestingly less than the ZLR-003, but the same as the 1907 ZLR-005. A smooth action and accessibility for new soldiers makes this rifle recruit friendly.[/i] -- [b]Simplistic[/b] -- [b]Deficient in Firepower[/b] [/hider] [hider=ZLR-012RR (Robert's Reloading Arms)] [b]Description[/b]: [i]The ZLR-012RR fires the same 6.5mm smokeless powder round as the primary service rifle, but with a barrel that is three inches longer, the "Double R" (as Robert's Reloading Arms engineers nicknamed it) has a higher velocity and by extension, stopping power. With a four round box however, reloads are more frequent. A mere three inches for the barrel length effectively increases range by upwards of thirty yards. The Double RR however requires several handcrafted parts, making production more difficult and ultimately more cumbersome. [/i] -- [b]Complicated[/b] -- [b]High Firepower[/b][/hider] [b][u]May 18th[/u][/b] In the [b][color=purple]Tyro-Antarian Empire[/color][/b] the [b]Carlsburg Investigation[/b] begins and is expected to last several months. [b][u]May 19th[/u][/b] The [b][color=beige]Seljuk 14th Army[/color][/b] prepares to attempt to cross the Kama River in force, now that their Saurilian built Havka machine guns have been built. The Seljukii diplomat in Saurilia promptly requests that three military advisers be dispatched to aid in their operation and maintenance. In exchange, they will be able to make important combat observations. [b][u]May 20th[/u][/b] Mishandling of safety precautions in a Tyro-Antarian submarine causes it to be lost in it's mooring when one of the bow torpedoes explodes. Although a tragedy, with twenty-two hands lost, a salvage operation is possible but would be expected to cost $15,000,000. [hr] [hider=EXTRA] [center][img]https://s11.postimg.io/eie1ueo9v/Budget_Page.png[/img] [i]Monthly Budget Sheet[/i][/center] [hider=REQUEST DESIGN] [b]Costs 0 Political Clout[/b] -- [[b]Request Category[/b]: [Aviation], [Army], [Naval] -- [[b]Request Perimeters[/b]: [Rifle], [Machine Gun], [Light Cannon], [Heavy Cannon], [Scout], [Reconnaissance Aircraft], [Submarine], [Destroyer], [Light Cruiser], [Armored Cruiser], [Battlecruiser*], [Coastal Battleship], [Dreadnought] -- [[b]Desired Requirements[/b]]: [i]Explain to your design companies what the desired requirements for your design are here[/i].[/hider] * Requires [b]Battlecruiser[/b] Technology. [/hider]