[h1]Paulina Benson[/h1] [h3]Chaos magic is the idea that a particular set of beliefs serves as an active force in the world. In other words, we choose what and how we believe, and our beliefs are tools that we then use to make things happen... or not. - Sophia Amoruso[/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/RoeYM48.png[/img] [B]Appearance:[/b] Paulina is quite tall and slim, standing at 5’9”. Her skin is very fair due to the amount of time she spends indoors, and she frequently changes the colour of her waist-length hair. Because of her deteriorating vision, she wears a pair of corrective glasses that double as sunglasses. [b]Age:[/b] 19 [B]Personality:[/b] Paulina is an exceptionally… focused woman. An intellectual at heart, she spends most of her time experimenting with her magic and documenting her findings. She’s also keenly interested in the powers of others, and is gradually building up a research database on all things supernatural, paranatural, magical, and otherwise “weird”. She’s not very fond of fighting, and as such tends to find more mundane uses for her magic. For example, she has melted runes into the soles of all her shoes that enable her to float a few inches off the ground, letting her “skate” through the air. [B]History:[/b] When Mihkail and Sophia Benson brought their daughter Paulina into the world, she should have had a bright future. Intelligent, curious, gifted with a knack for computer programming and attractive as she grew into her teenage years, she should have had every opportunity open before her. Instead, the only future that she would know was one of darkness. In her early teens, Paulina was diagnosed with Stargardt disease, a genetic condition that caused degeneration of the eyes, with a strong possibility of losing her sight completely as her eyes clouded over. With no cure and any possible treatments still extremely early in their development, Paulina had to accept the fact that she would lose the one thing that many people took for granted; being able to see the world. This fact sent her into a depression, and at night her most fervent wish was to regain what was being slowly taken away from her. Whether some greater entity heard her wish and took pity on her, or if the strength of her desire was what ignited her power, none may ever know. Whatever the case, there came a day where things… changed, as though something about the world was different in a small, yet crucial way. Paulina felt connected to the world, to reality, in a way that was difficult for her to describe; like the real world was as much at her command as the virtual one. Now, she devotes herself to exploring more about this connection. [B]Metahuman Classification:[/b] Runic Magic: through the use of hermetic runes, Paulina can create different magical enchantments. These enchantments range from controlling different elements and reactions, to enchanting objects that bear her runes with different qualities, even bringing them to “life”. She is particularly interested in body modification enchantments, and harbors a secret hope that she can cure herself this way. Because the exact effects she creates must be described by the runes themselves, she must be very specific about what she wants to happen. Additionally, any effects have an energy cost that must come from somewhere, either from herself or some other external source. If her runes are damaged or disrupted, it can interrupt or end whatever effect she is trying to create, or even cause them to go haywire. Additionally, while Paulina is very flexible in what effects and enchantments she can create, both in terms of combat and utility, she must have a clear understanding of what it is she wants to do and time to prepare her runes. [B]Allergies:[/b] none [B]Pre-existing conditions:[/b] Paulina has been diagnosed with Stargardt disease, a genetic condition that leads to blindness. Currently she is very sensitive to sudden changes in brightness and needs powerful corrective lenses to see clearly.