[center][h1][i]How to catch a Pokemon[/i][/h1][/center] Pokemon Gijinka exist throughout the world as normal Pokemen and Pokewomen. The only difference is that they are without a trainer. Pokemon without trainers don't ever grow in power. They remain wild and untamed, lacking in the experience they need to mature as individuals. Socially, wild Pokemon are regarded as bums by most Pokemon who have trainers. It is also difficult for wild Pokemon to find jobs in the world because most employers don't want to deal with an insubordinate creature that could ruin their business. While most delinquent Pokemon will remain wild and free, which is by no means a bad thing, most Pokemon find homes with trainers who confront them. Now, not all trainers are good apples. There are trainers who exist in this world who are a part of gangs and who use their Pokemon to terrorize others. Some trainers capture Wild Pokemon (through unorthodox means) just to sell them on the market as slaves. Good trainers will befriend their Pokemon and together they will stop these foul deeds and set a positive example for Pokemon and their trainers everywhere. Try to be the good example and be a good teammate with your Pokemon. [h3]Pokemon Battles[/h3] Wild Pokemon can be freely roaming a city, minding their own business when a trainer randomly confronts them. When a trainer wishes to capture a Pokemon, the trainer will battle the wild Pokemon with their tamed one. These battles can happen in the middle of the street or basically anywhere, and they are not uncommon in society. [b]The Trainer[/b] It is the trainer's duty to know his or her Pokemon. It is his or her duty to also know which type of Pokemon is [i]super effective[/i] against other types. This makes for a very effective trainer. Trainers command the Pokemon to attack by shouting a move from that Pokemon's move set. Only [b]1 move[/b] can be issued per turn. Once you post your trainer giving one attack, you cannot post a second or third. You must wait for that Pokemon or that other trainer (in the case you are dueling another trainer) to respond. Likewise, the opposing trainer can only issue [b]1 move[/b]. Now, if a Pokemon levels outside the trainer's experience level (ie. trainer doesn't have enough badges), then the Pokemon may not listen to him or her. The Pokemon may just do whatever it wants: whether it be fighting or just running away. [b]Pokemon Gijinka[/b] As a Pokemon Gijinka player, it is your job to listen to your trainer. You have to perform whatever move they command. It will be a move in your Pokemon's move set. If you need to see what this move looks like, well, there's YouTube just a click a way. Otherwise, if it's something as simple as [i]Thunderbolt.[/i] It's kind of a given what that move looks like. You can also refer to the Pokemon Database for a description of the move to get an idea. Now your battles do not have to be stationary. You can chase another Pokemon throughout the city, leaping into the air, perform aerodynamic stunts, whatever. But you do abide by a stat system, so don't worry too much about that. When Trainer 1 posts, and Wild Pokemon or Enemy Trainer post, then the GM will post after with the results of the attacks. You will see the damage results, you will see if your Pokemon managed to evade, you will see the HP go down. Your trainer may not be good. At this point in the game, most trainers will be inexperienced, so don't get frustrated. If you [b]faint[/b], then the Pokemon will have to be revived at a [b]Pokemon Center[/b]. There are no Pokemon Centers in Pallet Town so...be warned! [h3]Pokeballs[/h3] [center][img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/3ca7/f/2010/249/2/9/pokeballs_by_napsterking-d2y702a.png[/img][/center] Pokeballs are a trainer's main tool for catching Pokemon. There are several different types of Pokeballs but for the Generation I Kanto region, we will be using five types: Pokeball, Great Ball, Ultra Ball, Master Ball, and Safari Ball (may or may not ever see this one). While the Pokemon games used a catch rate, we're going to easily put a level range to the balls. [b]Poke Ball[/b] Lv 1-15 [b]Great Ball[/b] Lv 16-25 [b]Ultra Ball[/b] Lv 26+ [b]Master Ball[/b] - [i]Catches anything.[/i] [Very Rare to Acquire] [b]Safari Ball[/b] - [i]Special Case:[/i] It is the only ball that can be used to catch Pokemon in the Safari Zone. Once a Pokemon's health is reduced to 10 HP or lower, the trainer can use a Poke Ball to capture that Pokemon. If a Pokemon's HP is reduced to fainting, then the Pokemon cannot be caught. It is up to the trainer to learn the Art of the Catch for if a trainer attempts to use a Pokeball on a Pokemon at full health, then that Pokemon can break free and cost a trainer a ball. [color=fff200][b]Trainers will get their first set of Poke Balls from Professor Oak.[/b][/color]