[h2][center][color=0054a6]Kaathe "Crestfallen" Oolacile[/color][/center][/h2] It had been five years since the end of a Great War. Five years since the Dawn Covenant had prevailed against dark forces. Five years since the insufferable laughs of the dwarves, and off-putting confidence of everyone else had last been heard. Five years since "they" had gone missing. These years, used to describe the anniversary of a catastrophe being put to a stop, meant nothing to Kaathe. At least, the time meant nothing to him. It was the memories he kept for himself. A former dark elf Templar of the Dawn Covenant, Kaathe Oolacile, was currently resting from an encounter with a monster. Underneath him was the corpse of a bunyip. The carcass looked like an abominable mixture of several animals, like a chimera if all its parts had attempted to merge into a single-headed, four-limbed creature. The body had several crossbow bolts sticking out of it, and what used to be called its lower half was shattered into chunks of frozen pieces. On moments like these, the long moment that comes after killing a monster, Kaathe comes to think back on the memories of those he had left. He chuckled at the thought of what had happened to them since he saw them last. Perhaps they had gotten lost as well? Or maybe they wandered the land like he was. More than likely they were still fighting monsters and remnant cultists. Fate had a way to keep them busy. The dark elf sighed as he brought himself out of the moment. There was nothing to be had just sitting around this time. He looked down at the Bunyip. He eyed its tusks. They were not quite rare, but they were uncommon ingredients for medicine and potions when crushed into a powder. All he'd need was blood and fresh water, and he'd have a salve that could heal up some of the more deeper wounds that he may receive in the future. He took his dagger, and forced the maw open with his free hand. He plunged the blade into the monster's rancid gums, and broke a tusk off. He pulled the blade out, and repeated the action on the other tusk. Once they were both out, Kaathe scraped off the bloodied tissue, until the tainted flesh was nowhere to be found on the tusks. He placed his hard-earned loot into a small sack that hung at his side. When all was said and done, Kaathe plucked whatever bolts he could retrieve off of the monster's carcass, and returned to his dinghy. It was time to wander once more. Perhaps he'd find himself in a port town this time. He didn't know, and he didn't care. Fate would decide his destination, just as it had decided a great many things in his life. He had little control over it, after all. He pushed the boat out into the water, and after putting on his mask and cowl, proceeded to sit in silence as it drifted off...