[@clanjos] [@Scrapula] "Alright, but don't say we didn't warn you..." The head Koopa said mysteriously as he too jumped into the water, joining the other members of his guard in swimming across the river. As Harvey and Haruki stepped in, the would start feeling a series of bumps at their feet, something the Troopas didn't feel thanks to retreating into their shells for the duration of the swim. Still, it didn't seem too bad...Until whatever had been bumping started biting. A glance down into the clear water would see the Cheap Cheaps that Haruki had been capturing earlier, though of a different color than the traditional red. These were blue, and smaller than the regular Cheap Cheaps, but the size didn't really matter so much since one of them had decided to clamp itself around Haruki's ankle. And more were coming. ------------------------------- [@Blight Bug] Dee T. was able to catch most of what Sir Eglamour said. Enough to know that he was willing to help anyway, which took a humongous weight off of her shoulders. She vocalized this by sighing in relief, eyes shining with gratitude as she shifted Dane T. around on her shoulders a little. She knew she'd have to get him down into the underground fast and get him to the medical wing, so as much as she would've liked to lead Sir Eglamour to where he was going herself...Well, it was for the best probably. Thankful as she was, she wasn't necessarily keen on riding horseback again for a while. "Your brodmaster is there," she said, pointing towards the cobblestone castle in the distance, for once thankful for the roof in the ceiling so she could point it out easily "I beg of you though, allow me to find some reinforcements for you. I have several friends who could help you, but if you must go now I won't stop you." True, she did think Sir Eglamour could break through the armies of Lord Bowser, but...She didn't want him to end up like the Toads they had sent there before had. She dared not even think about it for any longer than she had to. Still, no matter his response, she gave him a respectful nod and started to crawl down the chasm, her unconscious brother still riding piggy back. --------------------------- [@Lmpkio] Morton's hide may have been able to withstand the explosion, but that didn't mean his grip was quite as tough. He was only able to make out Samus as the pilot, his mind briefly noting to compliment her on her narcism to design such a powerful ship after her head if he got the chance to later, before getting tossed off the ship. For a few moments, he hurtled to the ground below, doing a few flips in the process. Samus had managed to lose him over the forest, so it was likely when Morton started hitting trees that things would rapidly become unpleasant... Not that Morton was worried of course. Putting away his hammer, Morton took his ruby red wand back up and quickly summoned a duplicate of the Koopa Clown Car that he had sacrificed to deal damage to Samus' starship. He watched as it continued its downward descent before following it. Morton wasn't exactly a tech savvy genius like Ludwig. Hell, other than Larry and Iggy, he was probably the dullest of the eight Koopa Kid. And that was on his good days. Still, he knew a boon to the army when he saw one. Exactly how he was going to do it he wasn't sure of yet, but Morton was determined to get that ship back to the castle. Even if he had to do so piece by piece. That in mind, he started flying after her again, staying low now. He'd strike when it crashed. ------------------------------- [@Deathxthextree] Kieri rolled the name around in her head for a moment, mostly so she wouldn't forget it later. She had a funny feeling that could be very, very bad. Ainz Ooal Gown...Certainly not a Median name, probably not an Angelic one or even a Demonic one. Which begged the question-what was he? This was a question for later however. She had started the introduction, she had to fulfill her end of it. [i]'Not that anyone would care of course.'[/i] Kieri winced. That voice again. She pushed it aside for now and spoke. [color=00FFFF]"I am K-Kieri Suizahn, unranked Angel s-soldier in t-training. Pleased to know y-you."[/color] She said shakily, not only still a little put off by Ainz's appearance, mannerisms, and now his power, but doing her best not to flip back to her Angelic tongue out of force of habit. She gave her wings another twitch. Getting better. She'd be in the skies again soon, and then she would be useful again. If one could call what she did useful, that was. York's watched Roland snipe Paratroopa after Paratroopa out of their with relative ease, a pang of jealousy stabbing him briefly in the stomach. He briefly noted to ask about how he shot that well as most of the ground and air soldiers, what was left of them anyway, started retreating. The ones that weren't fast enough though...Well, with those, York's plan had worked like clockwork. Baiting them over to Ken had given the once sickly looking boy a nice meal of Turtle Soup with Mushroom slices, a meal York had no taste for but then he didn't judge. It'd have to be something truly disgusting for York to question someone's eating habits. Still, he made sure to keep his distance all the same, knowing by observation that even the tail was a nightmare to behold. Soon, the only sign that there had been an army here once was the corpses. And even then he was pretty sure that Ken would eat those. That is, he was, until he saw Ken charging off in an odd direction. York watched him go, rubbing his chin contemplatively. [color=708090]"Hmm...Something we'll have to investigate later Zach. For now, we attend to the citizens."[/color] He paused briefly at his new companion Minz, shrugging at his question. [color=708090]"Once we find out who summoned it in the first place, we can ask them. Now then, let's see about any citizens that stuck around."[/color] York suggested before walking off towards the place where Jasper had been brutalizing the Toads before the true enemy had shown up. They would probably need some medical attention. ----------------------------------- [@Zero Hex] Jasper stared blankly at Isei as he ranted and raved. Was this human really trying to lecture her? She scoffed at his assertion that she was weak, gritting her teeth a bit at the 'call for superiors line'. [color=FFA500]"If the Diamonds responded to every cry for help a Gem had, they'd never get any true work done. No, if I come up against a stronger opponent, I don't call for help. If they shatter me, they'll merely take whatever data they can extract from my defeat and make another soldier for the job."[/color] She finished, still snarling but explaining it as if it were basic math. To her, it was-humans were a more rebellious species, but Gems took pride in their lack of individuality. No one was irreplaceable, save for the Diamonds. Those didn't need to be, they had only lost one in the past seven millennia. Jasper tensed at this memory, a series of blue splotches starting to form on her arm for a moment before she cast them away. Her Diamond was gone. She had long accepted that. It drove her. It would not send her back into corruption. She watched as Isei dispatched what was left of the Goombas and Koopas in town with a single punch, her eyebrow quirking slightly. It was impressive by human standards, but there was no destruction. A destroyed enemy was one who would not return to cause trouble later. Even a weak enemy could become a nightmare if you let them retreat. This motivation almost made her chase after the retreating Koopas and Goombas, but Isei stood in her path again before she could. She stared down at Isei cooly, but her fiery eyes betrayed her true emotions. The more he spoke, the more angered she became. The subject behind his speech was one she was most familiar with. [color=FFA500]"That,"[/color] she started, seething a little [color=FFA500]"is talk of Rebellion. I should've figured I would run into it again, all these humans running around. White Diamond should've destroyed your planet when she had the chance...I'm not so lenient."[/color] She finished, grabbing Isei by the neck and slamming him down into the ground below. What would happen next would be standard procedure-go into the quartz ball, grind him to dust on the ground below her. Jasper though felt that she should be particularly sadistic towards this human who dared spoke up to her. She wanted him to know her power. So she held him place for a bit, continually applying pressure to his neck