[hider=This guy approved?]Name: Scar Gender: Male Appearance: This lanky goblin has turqouise skin and fluffy dark hair adorning its head (a curly afro.) His body is covered with many scars, plenty of which are self inflicted. Scar has a history of jumping from atop tall places such as trees and landing poorling, and tumbling down hills in his youth, which has led him to be battered and bruised. However instead of being weak bodied as a result of this, his skin has taken on a sheen all over, and become more durable than the epidermis of any other goblin. Personality: Scar is tough and he knows it. He often engages other goblins in contests of pain, as he is sure to win and impress everyone. He grabs another goblin by the wrist and twists, and they are locked in with him, unable to do anything but grab him and struggle back. However no matter how much pain they inflict raking his arm and pulling his hair, he doesn't let go until they forfeit, his twisting rendering their arm bloody and limp. He also enjoys the look and feel of bark, so he wears parts of trees on his body, including his log vest for special occasions. Past Life History: Scar used to be a man of the wilderness, who wouldn't even turn tail at the sight of a bear. A grizzled person, no creature of nature dared tried to slow down the stomp of his hiking boots. When angered he would punch trees to watch them shake, and admire the damage he could cause to both themselves and him. He was killed falling off of a cliff in order to escape a forest fire. Level: 1 Talent: Scars of the veteran. Sustaining damage has made Scar consistently tougher over time, improving his bodies ability to repel attacks. Skills: Night Vision - Allows one to see more effectively at night and in the darkness. Absorption - A monster specific skill. This skill allows monsters to gain the skill(s) of the creatures they devour. The amount of skills gained in this process is limited to a 6 time usage. Choose your stolen abilities wisely. Uses will reset to 6 upon Ranking Up regardless of the amount you have used. (Remaining Uses: 6) Inventory: A vest made out of a log. It's high fashion... Canopy high.[/hider]