Mantoca 1x1 RP with [@ICanBeAnyone] [b]Main Characters[/b] [hider=Sean Riley] [img][/img] Age: 34 Sean has been a cop for most of his adult life. Making detective was probably the proudest part of his life. He just recently been assigned to homicide, working under the new transfer Detective Wilson. He comes from a proud line of police officers that have worked for Mantoca PD stretching back four generations. His father was killed in a mob related incident, thus causing an extreme hatred for the mob. He is by-the-book overall and has a strong sense of justice. He hates the way the Cocina family runs the city and strives to do his part to clean them out. [/hider] [b]Auxiliary Characters[/b] [hider=Lt. Ethan Graham] [img][/img] Police supervisor to Detectives Wilson and Riley. [/hider] [hider=Tori Quinn] [img][/img] Age: 31 Overworked, Tori is one of key essential CSIs for MPD. [/hider] [hider=Ralph Austin] [img][/img] Age: 62 One of MPDs medical examiners, Ralph has been with MPD for near thirty years. He's gruff and sometimes not the easiest person to work with. [/hider] [b]Important Characters to Note[/b]