Simma had been to first to walk. She had beaten out the next person waking by around three minutes, and in a very polite fashion, abused these three minutes to take a very large rag from the room. She wrapped it around herself, becoming a blob of cloth and haute couture. Well, at least compared to the other goblins. Once all wrapped up, her appearance became heavily concealed. Rather than the shapely (more than one shape) body of a goblin, she had become a sphere of fabric. She quickly slumped down in her textile cocoon and fell asleep once more. She was awoken quite abruptly a few minutes later. Quite a rude awakening, but it was as to be expected for slackers. Disgruntled and tired, she slowly trawled along the floor towards the exit. Perhaps outside, she would find a nice place to sleep. Though, she didn't quite know what this outside would be. She just wanted to find a nice place to rest. Once outside, she looked around. Trees, trees, and more interestingly, trees. The entire place had the entire "same-y" aura around it, as if it was some kind of starting area. Without any sort of regards, she headed due left of the cave exit. No particular reason.