[@Redrum][@HowlsOfWinter]yes your characters have been accounted for, they've also been involved in all appropriate RRA rolls based on the information given about their gender/sexuality :D [@Sarcelle Renard][color=slateblue] An excellent use of the if-then rule! Feir is friends with Dusksong's pending CS. Feir is aquaintances with Alexis Hunter. Feir is aquiantances with Khyrian Faurus. Feir has a love relationship with Xena. Would you like to confirm these results or use a lifeline? [/color] For the record there might be a brief interlude between the RRA being finalised and the IC going up, as I'd like to have the maps together beforehand, but that should give people oppurtunities to properly discuss their RRA results and crack on with their relationship sheets when they're available.