It had appeared that the mother of these beasts had captured the castle of the current lord of this section of the otherworld. Well that knowledge made his task clearer. Sir Eglamour simply needed to traverse to the castle, infiltrate it, and then kill the dragon mother so the fairies could re-establish their realm. Surely after that display of heroism the Toads would direct his way back to the realm of man. [color=fbd324]"If thou wishest to assemblen elles werreiours, plainlie directus hem towardes thy castel-yate!"[/color] Sir Eglamour of Artois declared towards the escaping Dee T. The knight moved away from the shop entrance and mounted upon his horse. Now saddled up the knight the knight applied pressure to his steed and moved his reins in the direction he wished to go. After these actions his bucked up-forwards and then began riding in the direction towards the castle he saw in the distance.