Hungry… she was getting used to the feeling. More often than not, these days, she went hungry. The smell of food being cooked at a local inn had made her wander off the main road. She mentally began to prepare herself for another night in bed with some stranger. The stink of the last one of her john’s sweat and the hot, clammy feel of being trapped under a blanket with him all night made her shudder at the memory. She stopped in front of the door, took a deep breath, and felt her stomach gurgle at the scents of steaming hot food and the musty smell of well fermented mead. She pulled down her blouse a bit and pulled up her skirt to show a bit more of her cleavage and thighs. Putting on her best pout, she walked through the door and glided toward the bar. Soon after she took her seat, a man took the one next to her, placing down bags near his seat that clinked with coin “[color=004b80]So, what’s a pretty elf like you doing here?[/color]” He asked, eyeing her up and down like a dog staring at a bitch in heat. She cringed internally, recoiling from the sheer lust pouring forth from him in waves. “[color=ed145b]I suppose I’m waiting for some handsome man to buy a girl a drink? And a meal to go with it.[/color]” Grinning, he began to reach for one of the bags, then turned quickly, alarmed that it wasn’t there. He recovered quickly, which she had to give him credit for, and excused himself to look for his bags of coin. Allara was slightly alarmed as well. She had seen him put down the bags of coin, but had not seen them being taken. She checked her hidden pocket, feeling her single copper piece pressed against her forearm and her fingers, and sighed with relief. With that man gone to look for his lost loot, it seemed she was on her own for a quick meal. Flagging down a barkeep, she asked how much it would be for some food, and upon his reply that food was free so long as you took a job, she immediately ordered a plate, figuring she would find one to do afterwards. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the man making an angry beeline towards another man sitting at a table, sipping at a mug of beer.