[quote=@rush99999] Would I be correct in guessing that Isyph isn't a human? [/quote] [color=7CFC00]Well, in part. I was thinking that Isyph would be a Half-Fey, (Satyr, probably) something I'm gonna call an Uquii. Smaller and weaker than an average human (in her case, anyway), but lithe and nimble; I'll be giving some other indication of her variant nature, though I haven't decided what. Al-Delad would be an adopted name, given that she was a child tended to by adoptive human parents. It would be a name reserved for people of uncertain parentage, exiles or those who have had their family name stripped. At least in Delad, its self. Other places would probably have other customs for that kind of thing. She'll be a Thief, as hinted at in her part of the flavor intro. (I'm capitalizing Class names...for some reason.)[/color]