[center][img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/death-star.regular_zpsuxsr3anq.png[/img] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/Vader_zpsrglvsq9b.png[/img] [hr] [@DeathXtheXTree][@BringBack1996][@Zero Hex] [hr][/center] More and more minions continued to charge at the dark lord and his new-found "allies", slaughtering them one by one with both his lightsaber and extensive use of the force. Goombas squished underneath his boot as blood and guts curdle on the ground, Koopas getting themselves decapitated, it wasn't just a battle... it was a suicidal slaughter, at least for the opposing team. At one point, a whole flock of paratroopas were able to surround Vader and engulf him inside as they began punching and kicking at Vader. Yet it would simply be futile as the Sith issues a rippling force repulse, sending the minions flying out in all different directions, stunning them upon impact. As the minions finally began to make a truly hasty retreat, Vader watches as he eventually retracts his lightsaber blade, the angry crimson hue instantly disappearing back into the shaft of Vader's handle. He then looks to his left, seeing Jasper and a new face, a human that resembled a more elderly martial artist. The man seemed to be blocking the woman's path, as if it was an act of mercy for the fleeing minions. This seemed to have pissed her off as she grabs the person by the neck and slamming him down into the ground below. Then, she curled forward, going into a ball and spinning in place. Whoever she was, she had an intense temper... anger that could rival Vader's in ferocity and intensity. But unlike Vader, he uses this anger to his power and strength, using every bit he can in battle. Jasper was simply wasting this potential. However, the man seemed to be a powerful warrior. He normally wouldn't think on interjecting himself in these situations, but in a new dimension... in a new world like this one... perhaps he could help him get back to his dimension. The more the merrier was how it goes... or so he recalls. Does he count on it? Not necessarily. He had no idea who he was... but unity is what may bind the group together at this point. Which is ironic, since he usually does his work alone, only teaming up with troops or allies in more extreme cases. It's a rather jedi-like thought for Vader, a dark lord of the sith, but even he was once a jedi... the chosen one... Anakin Skywalker. But this wasn't the first time he did such a thing. However, Vader kept his ground, and will only put himself within the two if it gets out of hand... [hr] [center][img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/venus-rising.regular_zpsr8ma28fg.png[/img] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/samus_zpsof39mvh0.png[/img] [hr] [@BringBack1996] [hr][/center] The alieron roll pays off as Morton eventually lost his grip and was flung off from the smoking ship, crashing into the forest below. However, Samus has other more serious problems to worry about. Her ship was slowly loosing altitude and is descending slowly down to the ground. It's going to be anything but a smooth landing for her. Trying to slow down her decent, Samus' gunship has just been barely able to get out from the forest perimeter and crash into the plains below, knocking off dirt and rubble as her ship eventually grinds to a screeching halt, a small random explosion coming from one of the rear engines. Samus approaches her elevator as she quickly jumps out from the entrance hole and onto the smooth ground. It almost mirrored what happened back at the other world, only she was able to land without any problems there. This couldn't be said for here however. The gunship needs to be fixed ASAP. A pop-up came on her visor, coaxing her to activate the repair droids as three of them were released from the entrance hole, quickly attending to the engines at hand. Now, the bounty hunter should either wait by her ship, or find a way back to Toad Town were the battle was taking place...