[@kkbird123] You may! Just PM me a CS. [@CanisMajoris2] I was hoping everyone would post first before anyone else posts again. Then, preferably you wait for two other people to post before you. [@Jin Of Mana] I really appreciate the input! If you'd like, and would be interested in the role, I feel a co-GM would be a good idea for this RP of size. [@harinezumikouken] Just getting the message now. Was busy this evening, I apologize. [b]TO EVERYONE:[/b] I will be posting a "post flow" order tomorrow. Please do not spam post, and it is preferable no one post one after the other until the "post flow" is up. Ex. BlytheChi post, Jin of Mana post, BlytheChi post. It is unfair to your fellow roleplayers. Thanks!